Flower Power

As part of a local Arts Festival fortnight in the Summer, one of our churches is holding an event called "Flowers and Fabrics" which basically means that yes there will be many flowers in the church but also quilts and a few other hand crafted items.  As one of the organisers I am obviously eager to make sure that tatting is also on display, but was a bit concerned because there is limited space, it is a very small church and there needed to be something that would be noticeable and yet in keeping.  So the idea is to make these button flowers and then attach them to some wide ribbon and hang them from the window sills.  It is only an idea at the moment though and in the meantime I need to find some fairly wide ribbon strong enough to hold the flowers so they do not flop about!

One of the major problems, at the moment, is that I keep giving them away because whenever I show a flower button to a friend they just want to own one!  The buttons are quite large 5/8 inch wide, so they do stand out very well.

The penguin and shuttle which Crysta won in this competition arrived safely in Canada and here is part of her e.mail to me.
"I have now realized that the first shuttle I found and love (a french ivory post shuttle found at a local consignment shop) is actually quite on the small side.  I love the shuttle from you it is larger and holds a lot more thread!! (Less ends to hide is always a good thing!). Thank you again for the opportunity to win one of your shuttles- I have so many things to create now!"

More shuttles are on their way to Jane this weekend I would have shown you a photograph of them but you are probably a bit bored with seeing them by now. However, there is one in particular which is the crème de la crème in this batch and needs a special mention in my next post.


  1. I’m not one to complain (much or at least out loud ~ LOL)
    but I can’t see black print on grey...it just all runs together. Enlarged the blog till I could see the print. :>)
    The Button flowers are quite pretty. If I were closer in distance, would hand you this lovely 2 1/2”-3” ribbon that I have. By the time it arrived at UK your fete would be over!
    Oh, I’m looking forward to my new pop a bobbin, but no hurry for “’em in the garage.” xxxx bev

  2. Ooooh, don't the flowers look pretty when they're 'posed' together like that.

  3. Ok Bev see your point, time for a blog makeover, which I will do in a minute. Thanks for the offer of the ribbon, the festival isn't until July but judging by the mail system of late it probably would not get here in time!
    Your shuttle is being tested tonight, well if that is if I can tear myself from this computer!

  4. Those button flowers are really sweet!

  5. Oh that background is SO much better on the aged eyes!

  6. These are pretty and so many ways to use them come to mind. I'm sure they will be well received!


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