Olive Wood

I quickly made this dove this afternoon, that is why it is far from perfect!!  Actually it is my third attempt at the pattern, last year when Jane designed it I tried to tat it, but it went wrong and then last week another failed attempt, which I took to show her at the weekend, and now a fairly reasonable result.  She promises to put the pattern up soon.
The main reason for tatting it was that I wanted to show you one of the packets of wood that Sue Anna sent me and look where it comes from Bethlehem in the Holy Land, and also look at the little dove on the label with an olive branch in his mouth.

And now look at this fantastic pop-a-bobbin shuttle made from the same wood, the grain is beautiful.

More shuttles will be in Jane's shop very soon, just keep a watch out on her blog.

Thank you so much Sue Anna this shuttle is yours (when I get around to posting it) Enjoy.


  1. Is there somewhere where we can see how a pop-a-bobbin shuttle works? I can't figure it out although they look lovely.

  2. Wow, that olive is wonderful. I keep looking at the one in the 'shuttle box' and drooling.
    The dove looks fine but I'm thinking of a re-design before I post it. There's something 'not quite right' about it yet.

  3. The dove is beautiful - but it must be a difficult pattern if you had so much trouble with it!
    I love olive wood, it is so sturdy and warm to hold.

  4. Thank you so much for the link- what a brilliant idea!!! And beautiful too!

  5. the olive shuttle definitely looks beautiful!

  6. Oh Sally I simply love this Bethlehem olive wood! The graining is so beautiful! I think this is a MUST HAVE for me:-)

  7. Oh wow...I think I want a shuttle made out of this wood. Can I have a hint when the Olive shuttles will be in the shop. I want one with a hook on it.

  8. Sorry Sherry can't tell you when the olive shuttles will next be in the shop, but it will not be for a least another month


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