Button Moon - Mr. Spoon - Give-away

Please will you celebrate with me my 150th blog post.  However, I am sorry to say there will be no shuttles to give-away this time as I'm in the garage has been making a toy for himself rather than concentrating on tatting shuttles, boys and their toys!

So instead I am giving away this bag and Welsh Love spoon.  If you want to know about  Welsh Love spoons go to this link, notice this spoon has a carved heart and a cross.  Around the bag is sewn a length of tatting called Nelson and designed by Orsi.  

This is what the bag looked like when I purchased it.  It does seem to be a different colour but the sun must have been shinning on the day I took the photograph, it really is the same bag. I took off the bow and then attached the tatting and the buttons. Also my sister Jane Eborall was with me when I purchased it from Stratford-upon-Avon.

To make the give-away a little more fun and to enable you to win the bag and spoon you have to guess how many buttons are in this teddy bear jar.  Now due to the weight of the jar and buttons I cannot include it with the prize. So have a go at guessing how many buttons are in the jar, please note that you are only allowed one guess so that everyone can have a fair chance. The person to guess the correct amount (or nearest) is the winner. I'ts as simple as that. The jar is 5 1/2 inches in height.

Some of you know that I am rather fond of buttons and especially when tatting with them so this give-away has been inspired by a children's programme shown in the 1980s here in the United Kingdom -  called Button Moon and the adventures of Mr. Spoon and his family, it was very amateurish but the tune is quite catchy!  Watch it on YouTube 

The deadline is Sunday 22nd May to count the buttons in the jar and comment on this blog! 

Good Luck!


  1. What a GREAT idea. I'm not going to guess though as I've not a hope in tat land of getting it right!!!! Also it wouldn't be fair either.

  2. This is hard as we cant see the jar but I am going to say


    Look forward to seeing if I am right but I doubt it, still its a different giveaway and getting our brains working.

  3. 3oo -I'm hoping there are some little ones in there I can't see ;)

    Fun Giveaway !!

  4. Happy 150th!

    What a cute way to have a give away.

    Cute bag!

    How about 150 buttons as that's the blog post # you are celebrating.

    Keep posting please.

  5. I love what you've done with the bag! It looks so much prettier now. I love the spoon as well. My Grandpa Green's family came from close to the Welsh border, so we can't help but wonder if we just might have a little Welsh blood in us.

    My guess is 172 buttons. Good luck to everyone!

  6. I love your giveaway. I would guess about 503. I hope I am near right.

  7. I'll give it a go...


    Can't wait to find out if it is more or less...

    Happy Anniversary!!

  8. Congrats on 150 :) The bag is great - and I love the spoon and what it represents.

    I'll guess 212 lovely buttons. I love buttons too :)

    Pick me!

  9. LOL that's sucha cute little game of guessing the number of buttons in a teddy bear bottle! my guess: 168

  10. I am going to guess 127 buttons because that doesn't look like that fat a teddy! He's awfully cute tho and so is the bag!

  11. What a cute bag. Love what you have done with it. Certainly a great improvement since the bow was taken off. I'll guess 169 (as my 1st guess was already taken). Thanks for sharing. I do love what you do with all your buttons. Happy 150th, too!

  12. I'm going to guess 197 buttons -- that's my daughter's favorite number. That bag looks so much better with the buttons and the tatting!

    Congratulations on your 150th. Quite an accomplishment!

  13. Looking at everyone else's guesses makes me nervous...but I'm going to go with the first thought I had: 207
    Being 7/8th Welsh, I think I really need that spoon (and the bag for my tatting)!
    Congratulations on 150 posts (and at least that many tatting shuttles!).

  14. very pretty bag, much better then when you bought it.
    interesting idea for a give away.
    my guess: 235

  15. You have most definitely improved the bag! It looks so stylish now.

    Count me in for 123, since my first guess was already taken. And thank you for having such a creative giveaway!

  16. 5 1/2 inches isn't very big, for a bear....and some of the buttons look quite bulky.....my guess is 109!

    Congratulations on the 150th post, I remember the very first one! With a life as busy as yours is, keeping up the blogging is a wonderful achievement - and has given so many of us a lot of pleasure.

  17. Congratulations on your 150th post! I love your improvements to the bag, and enjoyed my visit to the love spoon website.

    Now where did you find such a cute button jar? My guess is 100 buttons.

  18. Thanks to you all for taking part in counting the buttons - not easy I admit and I'm itching to say who is nearest, but just mustn't give the game away! Yes Maureen my life is very busy and because of that I often miss what other people are doing on their blogs - hope no one is missing this though!
    Eliz I must tell you I found the teddy bear jar with nuts and bolts in 'the garage' it orginally came from my father-in-laws home and had sweets in it when my husband was young - so it is pretty old!

  19. Well I will have to say 52 buttons. Love your idea, the bag and YOUR BLOG!

  20. My guess is 84. Such a great idea!!

  21. Hi Sally.

    My guess is 217 buttons.

    I also have a glass teddy bear. He came from Canada and was once filled with peanut butter but I think his tummy is much fatter than your teddy.
    Look forward to the answer tomorrow.
    Pam in Hampshire UK

  22. I'm probably too late but I'll have a go anyway!!


    Congratulations on the 150th!

  23. No you are not too late Trayna, I am accepting entries up to the end of Sunday whenever that is for anyone all over the world!

  24. Hi, Sally,
    I didn't want to enter, so this is late, but I wanted to congratulate you for completing 150 wonderful entries!

    I love reading your blog and remember your first post. Thanks for your unique and always interesting contributions to Tat-land.
    ♡ Fo x : )


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