The Clocks go back tonight
Before going to bed this evening we in the UK are required to put our clocks back one hour, which means an extra hour in bed, great! The British Summer Time Act of 1972 stipulates that GMT begins on the last Sunday of October and BST on the last Sunday of March (when the clocks go forward an hour). However, there is talk of a trial period with a view to eventually adopting a Central European Time, which would mean BST plus one hour in summer and GMT plus one in winter - confusing us Brits even more! The main problem is that those in the north of the country, particularly Scotland, would definitely not relish an extra hour of darkness in the winter. Between 1968 and 1971 the government carried out the same experiment but was forced to end it after complaints in Scotland and northern England. So we await to see what happens. In the meantime the pop-a-bobbin shuttles arrived this morning at Jane's and she is wondering at what time to list them, and...