The Clocks go back tonight

Before going to bed this evening we in the UK are required to put our clocks back one hour, which means an extra hour in bed, great!  The British Summer Time Act of 1972 stipulates that GMT begins on the last Sunday of October and BST on the last Sunday of March (when the clocks go forward an hour).  However, there is talk of a trial period with a view to eventually adopting a Central European Time, which would mean BST plus one hour in summer and GMT plus one in winter - confusing us Brits even more!  The main problem is that those in the north of the country, particularly Scotland, would definitely not relish an extra hour of darkness in the winter.  Between 1968 and 1971 the government carried out the same
experiment but was forced to end it after complaints in Scotland and
northern England.   So we await to see what happens.  In the meantime the pop-a-bobbin shuttles arrived this morning at Jane's and she is wondering at what time to list them, and might need your help with this, taking into account the different time zones across the pond.

I have managed some seasonal tatting, Martha's pumpkin teapot and might even get around to doing some more tatting if time allows, with an extra hour coming up, who knows?!

I just have to show you this little chap.  It is an alarm clock purchased when my eldest son was young in Germany.  It has travelled a bit and was found in a box in the attic, minus a leg, but a week or two later when we were sorting through my son's belongings the missing leg was found!

Here is a Ticki Tack clock on youtube although the one we have is not battery operated it is a wind up one - but I was thrilled to find it.  Enjoy!!

It is good to see both his legs working!


  1. WONDERFUL pumpkin! I love it!

    In Canada, being partly settled by the English, we find ourselves with differing timezones across the country when the Daylight Savings times begins in SOME of the provinces, but not all of them. Considering that there is already a two hour difference as the sun rises at different times across the country, the clock changing confuses it further!

    Ah, for a good old sundial!
    Fox : )

  2. I've been counting and drooling over the shuttles - I'll blog and ask about times to list sometime this week!!!! I actually don't like selling them as it's like losing friends!!!! BUT when they go to other friends then I love it!!! Sometimes they even meet cousins.

  3. This time thing REALLY is confusing! We here in the US now wait until the first Sunday in November to turn the clocks back, but all year round I still have difficulty remembering what time it is in the different time zones. So I don't envy Jane's task!

    Brilliant tie-in of the clock and video (which are both ADORABLE). I'm sure that finding the missing leg was an emotional moment! The memories associated with an item like this are the reason it's so difficult to part with things! And saving the missing leg in the first place proves the importance we attach to everyday things. I have a feeling this cute clock is going back into the 'save' pile!

  4. We don't have Daylight Saving in Quensland, despite calls for it to be introuduced, at least in the Southeast. But it would probably mean having two timezones in one state, since the area is so vast.
    When we lived with Daylight Saving in Sydney, I used to "save"all my extra hours in a glass jar which lived on the kitchen shelf. The children wanted me to pack the jar of hours when we moved......
    I'm really hoping to buy a hooked shuttle this time!

  5. I forgot to mention the wonderful tatted pumpkin teapot! What a fabulous pattern, and excellent tatting!

  6. As Kathy said, we have to wait yet another week for the time change! I absolutely hate DST anyway. We didn't have it for decades until someone pushed it through a few years ago and now we are even more confused. Not all of Indiana is in the same time zone to begin with.

    Besides, when you're tatting, time is nonexistant!

  7. cute pumpkin teapot. i tatted this last year i think, but i have no idea what happened to it. maybe it got into one of the tricks or treating pumpkin baskets! LOL

    the little clock is cute!

  8. Goodness thought we were bad in little old England but you folks really have a time problem.
    Thanks also for the compiments about the pumpkin teapot I actually started it weeks ago and then lost it and then it was found in an odd place.
    Kathy you are so right the clock is saved and will stay with us, some things you can't part with.
    Maureen I hope you are lucky and the Jane's timing is right for you.

  9. I'm so glad my province doesn't do the whole DST thing. Probably won't have to either. Very pretty teapot.

    If Jane's looking for listing time suggestions, I have one. How about 6:00 pm her time. That would be noon my time, and between 10-2 for the rest of the continent. Her previous listing times had me up at 6 or 7 in the morning and as early as 3.

    Is there just one olive wood shuttle? I've been waiting for one ever since I first saw it.

  10. Being in Ontario....well.....we used to turn the clocks back the weekend before Hallowe'en, but the last couple of years, have been matching the autumn time change with the US. At least, I think that's what we're doing.....aren't we? Hmmmm. I think I need an extra hour in the sack! lol

  11. Its nice to have the extra hour in bed, but when March comes and we lose an hour, I feel tired for days.
    I love your teapot, great design and colour.


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