Jane has done it again!

If you go to over to Jane's blog you will see a beautiful Christmas tree that she has designed, it is so clever and fun to make.  Whilst I was with her at the beginning of January she showed me one of the trees she had completed and kindly gave me the pattern (perks of being her sister!).  I could not wait to try it out in lots of colours, but so far only managed one and here it is.  It will look fabulous in white, silver, gold, purple.............................

Again many thanks for the comments regarding the new hooks,  I have now ordered the crochet hooks but will have to wait for two weeks before they will arrive at the English supplier from Japan.   However, I can inform you that there will be a variety made including double hooked ones (thanks to Jon for suggesting that idea),  but obviously these particular ones will have to be slightly more expensive than the single hooked ones.

In the meantime 'Im in the garage will be concentrating on the baptismal font.

Today is Friday 13th, and for some it is an unlucky day. I suppose the only unlucky thing to happen to me today was that a funeral service that I was taking this afternoon was held up by another funeral service at which there was a horse drawn hearse, making me late for another appointment. It was quite chaotic at the local crematorium this afternoon.


  1. Ah, the perks of having a LITTLE sister to try these things out for me too!!! Sounds like a 'fun' time at the crematorium. Still those who were the 'stars' of the shows wouldn't be complaining, would they?


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