Leap Year
The last day of February, the month when snowdrops are seen. The dove is made out of the oak wood left over from the making of the font, there are another 30 resting in a basket. A few bits of wood have also been reserved for some shuttles, so as the wood was originally in the church for many years (underneath the altar) they will be very holy shuttles! It is of course a Leap Year and today 29th February gives us an extra day which only happens once every 4 yrs. These extra days are needed to keep our calendar in alignment with the Earth's revolutions around the sun. It is also the year that women are supposed to be able to propose to men, what's new?! Leap stands for something that jumps, or taking a leap in a different direction, in my case it stands for leaping from one country to another. I am travelling to see my son in Singapore this year, and have another trip in the planning stage, but more of that later. Time to leap over to the wood pile! We ...