Oliver Twist

This year marks the bicentenary of Charles Dickens who was born on 7th February 1812. One of the many books he wrote was Oliver Twist about a poor orphan boy in Victorian England.  Probably the most famous line from the book is when Oliver asks for more gruel and says "please sir, I want some more".

So it was with some amusement that I walked in to a charity shop this month and picked up a reel of machine thread called Oliver Twists, for it just reminded me of this character which Dickens portrayed so vividly in his book.  By adding some brown fine sewing thread it became a bit more manageable but sadly the original colours disappeared.  The star motif is Janes and can be found here.

Next I tatted it with a turquoise colour size 60 Coats thread.


This is the Canopy Bookmark from Martha Ess's book Playing with Picots, I thought it looked complicated to tat but was amazed how easy it was and what such a lovely effect.

And finally the thread bare without any additions, using another of Jane's patterns 

called Oh so simple edging  as Oliver Twist said "please sir I want more!"


  1. Hasn't it worked up beautifully. May I ask for more, too, please? Love that Martha Ess pattern. The whole of that book is full of little gems.

  2. Lovely muddy colours! - isn't it very tiny thread? I think I've seen it on the thread stands at the Craft Shows.
    Now that you've reminded me about it, I will remember to seek it out later in March when the first of the big Shows hits Brisbane.

  3. I had forgotten about Dickens's birthday, but strangely enough, I've been tatting with Oliver Twists this weekend! Lovely thread!

  4. It really worked up well, I love that pattern of Martha and it looks hard but it's not , love the colour you used

  5. Delightful colours on the turquoise! Very pretty tatting.
    Fox : )

  6. The murky colour is livened up by the beads in the lovely motif. Interesting!

    Wow the bookmarks are certainly pretty in these colours! Is this an HDT?

  7. Great tatted pieces and colors!! :)


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