Just the two of us!

A bit of tatting and a lot of nattering went on this weekend as I was with Jane. This was a photograph taken with Jane holding her Ipad, it took quite a few attempts to get a reasonable picture! As the year progresses I hope to get a few more photographs of myself and other tatters, who I will be meeting in various parts of the world. In my luggage was the latest batch of shuttles which will be sold in her Etsy shop very soon. Jane also introduced me to this most useful tool that I did not know even existed, it is for opening split rings so that chains etc can be fitted on them. The gadget is now on my shopping list, no I did not take hers away with me! Previous to discovering it I was trying to open them with scissors and my poor nails and you can guess who came off the worst! I went for a shower yesterday and the cat had decided to get there before me! I am now home where there are no felines to get in my way! But she is cute!