Playing with words

As if I did not have anything better to do!  Someone showed me how to make  'word clouds' and I am addicted to them!  I have changed my blog header to really show off the pop-a-bobbin shuttles and of course tatting.  

By putting in words connected with tatting I made this creation.  The words can go horizontal vertical or jumbled, the font can be changed and the colours, so much fun.

Just go to the 'word cloud' and create!

If you put in a word more than once it appears larger.

If you want to see which words appear the most in the different books of the bible go here.

Now back to some real tatting - Happy Word Playing!


  1. For a minute there,I thought that this was to announce more shuttles! One of these days I will set my alarm clock to wake me up in time to bid for another.
    But it will be fun to play with words too, thank you for the link.

  2. Wordle is quite fun when you've written a long document, or report, to see which words are used the most often. There's often a surprise in there.


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