Comfort Tatting

If you are like me there are certain tatting projects that you love to do because you have done them so often that by now you can almost tat them with your eyes closed!   So they become very relaxing to do.  For instance I know Diana will always go back to Mary Konior's spinning wheel pattern.

After a really busy and stressful month of July it is time to sit down and do some serious tatting, and to get back into the swing of it I am going to start off with my 'comfort tatting' it is of course the button necklace.   Why? well because yes I can tat it off by heart but also it is such a challenge finding the thread, buttons and beads that will all match.  Although I did make this particular necklace last year, and the earrings are a recent addition, they took me 2 weeks to make because of so many interruptions and a lot of mistakes!   

The thread is some old Coats variegated and the pattern for the earrings is Jane's and can be found here, but  I did omit the beads over the buttons as I wanted them to match the necklace.   The clever way of attaching the finding at the top of the earrings can be found here, but for some reason I found this method  hard to fathom at first.

So with thread, buttons and beads at the ready I am off to make a necklace that has been requested by a very special person in the USA!


  1. Looks too complicated to me to be comfort tatting, but it has turned out splendidly! Such pretty colours.

    1. Thanks Jane I suppose having designed the pattern it certainly becomes very familiar, you must find that with yours.

  2. This is beautiful I love it! and who doesn't love the charm of buttons? I also like that it doesn't have a ton of beads, I feel beads are like frosting on a cake too much and it's not cake anymore :)

    1. Thanks Madtatter, like that comparison to cakes! Addicted to buttons!

  3. This is a very elegant pattern; I wish I could tat it in a different color.

  4. It must be a very practical necklace too, as well as being so very attractive, because the buttons would give it weight to hang properly without twisting round the neck.

  5. That's the 'old coats' thread that I did mine in too Sally!!! Great Minds think alike!!! LOL

  6. Gorgeous - can hardly wait to see the other one (wink wink).

  7. Such a nice necklace! The pattern is a pretty one, and the thread you used makes me think of spring.


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