Cedar tree and Masquerade

I am still working on the Masquerade pattern and intend to introduce some more colours before it is finished.

The dove that is sitting on the piece of tatting is made from wood that has come from a Lebanese Cedar tree next to a church.  About 6 years ago some branches were taken down as they were hanging very near to a stained glass window and we are now making doves from this wood to sell for badly needed church funds. This is the same church that has the door handle you very cleverly dated for me.

The reason that funds are needed is because one night very recently there was a storm and two huge branches came crashing down taking with them some more trees and as they fell to the ground they damaged  grave stones. There must have been such a noise when this happened but thankfully no one was around.

Fortunately it missed the church and the beautiful stained glass window but has caused massive damage which will cost a lot to repair.

This cedar tree has stood in this spot for many years and was there when the Rev Awdry, author of the Thomas the Tank Engine books was born in the village and he probably used to play around this tree.

We have managed to collect some wood and it is seasoning at the moment and hopefully in about a years time it will be turned into more doves and of course shuttles.


  1. Masquerade is looking very nice!! :)

  2. I really like that you are creating out of chaos. Please let us know if the doves are available for purchase. I would like to be able to help out!

  3. Pretty dove. I would love to buy something made of the Lebanese Cedar. I have ancestors from Lebanon.

    1. When the bulk of them get made next year I will let you know Grace

    2. Thank you! I like the doily too.

  4. Masquerade is looking good! Good luck with the fund raising. I was impressed when I was in England to see how many churches are being fixed up. When I was there 20 years ago, the churches seemed to be turning into haberdashery shops!

  5. Jane it is a never ending job trying to find funds to repair churches and churchyards and some have to close because money cannot be found, and grants are not readily accessible. Many churches and cathedrals have a 'Friends' group mostly people who do not attend worship but are keen on supporting the church as a building and pay an annual subscription. Although again there is a lot of aministration entailed with these groups and the ocassional fund raising event, hence the doves!

  6. Do let me know when the doves are ready - I want one too!

  7. So can anyone buy the doves? Have a way to get them to the States ? How much you want and do you do,PayPal?!! I like good causes!
    Lovely tatting too!

    1. Sue Anna yes anyone can buy the doves but the rest of them will not be made until the wood seasons.


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