My shuttle

More shuttles will be in Jane's shop sometime Saturday, not sure when, you will have to be very vigilant and watch Jane's Etsy shop.  This time there will be post and pop-a-bobbin for sale made out of some very unusual wood.  However, one got left behind because I took a fancy to it.  The photograph does not do it justice but the wood is pink ivory and so it has a pink tinge to it.

I only just managed to make time to join in with Jane's TIAS and here are my scissors.  I do confess that I did know what the end result was going to be right from the beginning, the pink pair were made before the game started, but it was fun watching everyone else guess.

I love this pattern and can see me tatting it again and again, many thanks 'big sister'!


  1. I have a couple with bobbins; however, the last one I ordered was pear wood - post shuttle. What a marvelous shuttle!

    Lovely scissors. We will all have to make more of them ; )

    1. Thanks Lelia, yes more scissors will have to be made, I think one would look good sewn on a garment to brighten it up - must look through my wadrope!

  2. Oh, I do hope I manage to get a pink ivory shuttle! It's so pretty!

    1. Sorry Diane because the shuttle was so so pretty, I took it away leaving no more pink ivory ones this time. Very mean of me but so many times shuttles leave here and I really don't want them to as they are so lovely - perks of the trade!!


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