
This is the time of the year when we could possibly have snow in England, but the weather has been unseasonable warm and there is no sign of such a happening.   The warmth has meant that in some areas the Spring bulbs are beginning to flower, at least two months before their time.   Although the ground is extremely wet as we have had a lot of rain and in the north of England there has been terrible floods with people's Christmases being ruined.

In preparation for the festive season I made these snowmen taken from Wanda Salaman's pattern which you can find here.   Just love tatting with buttons.

The one on the left has bright green buttons but somehow the scanner has washed them away!  I did use smaller buttons than the ones recommended in Wanda's pattern and reduced the stitch count.  Also added a tatted hat and scarf, but it is a really clever idea Wanda, thank you very much for sharing.  

I also made these snowmen earrings, in fact 10 pairs!  I am hoping to find some customers for them next Christmas as no one was interested in them a few weeks ago, perhaps they knew there would be no snow!


  1. We'll have to send you some MN snow, we're supposed to get 5-8 inches tonight. We did have a white Christmas but just barely.
    Your snowman are adorable!

  2. Thanks Michelle! Actually I am not complaining about the lack of snow, it is lovely to watch from the window but hate having to travel in it. Hope you stay warm and safe

  3. Your snowmen look soon cuddly & warm ! Lovely :-)

  4. Me Miss... I'd be interested in some!!!


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