Another round

I have been unable to make progress with the patchwork that I showed you on my previous post,  mainly because of other commitments. I also really wanted to finish this doily, just one more round and it will be completed.

The doily still just about fits on the scanner but obviously will not after the next round!  

My other project at the moment is making brooches to hopefully sell at a Summer Fete in a few weeks time.   However, time is running out and I really need to prepare for our visitors in June, which obviously means some tidying up needs to be done, especially the tatting area!!


  1. I've just been looking at Diane's version - you've both chosen such lovely colours! Nice to see them side by side through the magic that is this old computer.

  2. It's beautiful, amazing what you can do even when busy :)

  3. Very pretty! I really like the colors you've used.

  4. How lucky very! I especially like the muted colors and how they go together!

  5. Looks wonderful. I do like your colours.

  6. Your doily is looking fabulous!!! :)


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