A Mary Konior Cross

I tatted a version of this cross a few years ago in size 20 and it came out large and quite ugly.  So this time I used 40 thread and much happier with the result.  The pattern comes from Mary's book Tatting with Visual patterns. 

I thought you might like to see some of the floral tributes that we have in my village graveyard at the moment, there have been some big funeral services

A gypsy caravan

A bird

A Landrover

Many thanks for the lovely comments about my kitchen, it is now fully operational complete with table and chairs and I am enjoying cooking and eating in it.  Hope to also tat in the kitchen too!


  1. That's one of my favourite crosses - I agree with you, that it's much better in finer thread. I love the gypsy caravan, it makes a change from the usual wreaths. doesn't it!

  2. The cross looks great! How big are these floral tributes?

    1. Michelle they are about 18" long, there were a lot more floral tributes but I chose the most interesting. They relate to the deceased life, so you can see that one of them used to live in a gipsy caravan, the family were travellers before settling down in a house

  3. I'll have to show my hubby the Landrover. We are custodians of a 60's vintage model that of course....doesn't run.....yet! Love the colors you used for the cross. It reminds me of stained glass.

  4. Very nice tatting, and cute floral arrangements they are unusual never have seen anything like them :)

  5. I tried that cross in size 20 one time, and I was very unhappy with it. In fact, I never finished it. Some day I hope to try it in size 80. It does look nice in the 40!


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