Small Motif

Well I have just finished the blue square doily and need to photograph it so that you can see what it looks like.  I have no idea what tatting project to start on next, if any. So in the meantime decided to do something quick and easy tatting especially after noticing this motif which Jane has recently posted on her blog.   

I altered the stitch count so they came out a little larger and wondered if they could pass as snowflakes?!  Anyway they will go in with my Christmas tatting because at the last minute I always seem to run out of something to give to people and these will just fit the bill!


  1. I am now feeling guilty and need to do some snowflakes cause I do the same and can't tat fast enough. It if funny that it is same pattern and just different stitch count I really like the look of both too. what is the color of the top thread?

    1. Soon be that time of the year for making snowflakes and always good to be ahead of the game! The top thread is Lizbeth Country Kitchen, must admit it doesn't look much on the ball but when tatted takes on quite a different look.

  2. I think it makes a great snowflake! I suppose I'd better get started on those as well. Maybe I should have chosen snowflakes to tat this year instead of Spinning Wheels! ;-)

  3. That's country kitchen? Wow, it looks great! I think they make great snowflakes. Want tomshar your stitch count?

  4. They are wonderful!! :)
    I thought that design would make great snowflakes!! :)

  5. The pretty colour mix looks lovely in that design.

  6. These are perfectly snowflaky - I'd be pleased as punch to have one a Christmas!

  7. Thanks everyone, as per usual I did not write the revised stitch count down, it is in my head, somewhere! Will have another go at this motif and write it down this time and share it with all of you.


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