A bit of a set back

Last night I finished Renulek's doily and was looking forward to showing the piece in all its glory this morning, the last day of July. Especially after months of struggle tatting a piece which has constantly caused me much anguish.  My plan was to get up early today and iron the piece, photograph and show it on this blog. However, the plan went horribly wrong when I spread the doily out only to find that I had done the last sixteen repeats wrong!  Really don't know why I did not check I was doing the pattern correctly, but had a feeling that only picking it up, sometimes late at night I just lost the plot!   Here it is ready for the big snip! 

So may be before the end of August it will be finished, who knows?  Feeling very sorry for myself today.  


  1. The thing to do is to remind yourself that the doily will be finished eventually, even if it takes a month longer than you intended. And much better that it's as perfect as you can make it. Leave it alone for a few days, and then you will be able to face it again. I think it's looking really lovely in those colours.

    1. Thanks Maureen, you are right can't face sorting it out at the moment, anyway going out tonight!

  2. Least it’s on the last row and towards the end. I’ve done things like that many times too.

    1. Yes can be thankful about that, but it has taken so long to get to this stage!

  3. First of all I love the colors you chose and placement of them :) And I hear ya on this mistake thing. I sometimes don't even see it till I photo it and look at it on the computer. It is sad that I make it further to where I get the picture and then relies the mistake. At least you didn't do that! Have a great day!

    1. Thanks for your kind comments, it so painful when you realise that you have made a mistake.

  4. Oh no, oh no! That is very sad. For me I would either be inspired to get it done or hide it in a drawer after a setback like that! I hope it's the former for you. It truly is beautiful!

    1. Michelle it is not going in a drawer, otherwise it will be lost for ever, but on the other hand I do need a little break before I can face the 'big snip'

  5. My heartiest commiserations! I know the feeling. My fatal mistake on this doily was much earlier, so I salute you for getting this far.

    1. Jane the truth is I did not particularly like tatting this doily but thought that I would eventually grow to love it if I plodded on, but that was not the case. Remind me never to do one like this again!

  6. It's beautiful. Don't let yourself be discouraged for TOO long. It's only the last 16 pattern repeats - you can handle it. It's on the LAST round, too, not on a much earlier one, where you'd have to snip out rows and rows of tatting. You can do it. Give yourself a little break, then take a deep breath, get the scissors out, and finish this beautiful doily.

  7. Ah thanks for the encouragement Stephanie, watch this space, I will be back!

  8. How heartbreaking! It still looks beautiful anyway!!! :)

  9. I'm amazed how long it took me to find the mistake(s) - where the outer rings are purple rather than white! That must have been quite a shock! Just put it away for a week or so, and you'll realize it's not as overwhelming to fix as it seems - only 16 repeats! And I assume you have enough thread. (Of course, I don't have to do the tatting! :)

    I also really want to see it in its full glory because this outer round looks fantastic in these colors - quite a different effect from the original, and very appealing!

    1. Well Kathy it is noticeable when you spread it out, but at a quick glance like you I missed the mistake. The doily is put away, can't even get the scissors to it yet! The 16 repeats took me three weeks to do! Hopefully I can rectify the mistake much quicker.

  10. Darn! It’s too beautiful to not correct, because it would make you mad every time you looked at it! It will be the best accomplishment ever when you get it done, even if it does take longer. I’m still not done with mine - I made the mistake of doing that easy 2nd to last round with some pearl cotton that matches. Not nice thread for such a large piece :(

    1. I am surprised you have not finished yours yet Cindy, do hope you get back to it after all the tatting you have done so far on the doily. Perhaps when mine is finished it will inspire you!

  11. That can be discouraging. I do love the colors you've used.


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