More Thread!

First I must point out that I do not need more thread, although some projects demand more than one ball of the same colour.  Also not been blogging for ages now because I seem to be unable to find the time and inclination to sit down and tat much. Sadly making hardly any progress on the two doilies I started, so I thought buying some more thread would give me a boost!  Although at the moment preparing for another Craft Evening on Tuesday, so may be not this week.  

These were e.bay wins and paid on average, including postage about £1.30 a ball. There are some fantastic colours in the boxes so quite pleased that I have more threads to play with in the future. 


  1. What a wonderful haul! Original Coats thread is much to be desired.Hopefully your tatting muse will return to play with the lovely new threads.

  2. There are many of us who don't need more thread, but it sure is nice to have all those pretty colors on hand!

    1. True and I light bright and interesting colours

  3. Ooh yes, wonderful colours. I haven’t done much tatting lately either. I hope the thread will inspire you!

    1. I am especially fond of the green and bold colours so they should inspire me!

  4. Ooh, how wonderful! Both boxes have such pleasing colors.

  5. What a lovely selection of colours Sally, I'm sure they will inspire you to start tatting again.
    I can't remember the last time I tatted, it's too hot to tat. The garden is in desperate need of rain which we've not had for six weeks now, really want to see the end of this heatwave.

  6. Lovely colours! The doilies can wait!


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