Thread Find

Not only have I been clearing out and tidying stuff at home I have also been tackling a huge store room in the church which also contains a lot of craft stuff.  Some of it has been left over from previous children's activities, which have now come to an end.  In the find were these threads, I wound them together with cotton threads in my stash and made snowflakes.

The snowflakes are from Lene Bjorn's book.  The top one is The sixth Day of December and the bottom one is The tenth Day of December.  I am now experimenting with more colours and different thicknesses of cotton thread. Sadly you can't see the sparkle on them very well. 


  1. Good find. I can see the sheen on the spools, so I can imagine it in the snowflakes.

  2. I'm amazed you are finding the time to tat! Good for you to make wonderful use of the found thread! The snowflakes look so pretty in different colors.

  3. Really wonderful snowflakes!!! :)

  4. Even the sparkle isn’t evident, they are still quite beautiful.

  5. Beautiful threads! Seeing what you and Jane do with threads makes me realize that I have a treasure trove and never need to look for thread in a store again!

  6. Beautiful threads and snowflakes :). Were you wounding one sparkly thread with one cotton thread onto the shuttle?

    1. Thanks Jenn, yes that is what I was doing, these were made using two shuttles and continuous thread. So you have to be careful when you wind them because it is easy to end up with one thread much longer than the other in between the shuttles!

    2. Thanks Sally :). That would be tricky with 2 shuttles. I assumed you only did it with a shuttle and threads (ball & spool).


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