Not another angel!

This is my surplice which I wear in church. I attached the tatting trim because otherwise it looked so plain. My only problem is that I often find I get stopped in my tracks as it seems to catch itself on to the altar rail or a chair or other part of the church, and then I have to unhook myself! Many people comment about the effect the tatting gives to the surplice and I very often have to explain what tatting is!


  1. Love that edging. What a lotta work, sis.

  2. Beautiful edging! I clicked on the photo to enlarge it and got an even closer look!

  3. That is good that your surplice gets the attention because of the tatting. Good conversation starter. I am sure the attention to you stammering up the alter because the tatting gets caught is equally amused :-D

    XOXO neph of Sally

  4. The edging is hmmmm ... heavenly!
    Fox : )

  5. Can't think of a more perfect place to display tatting. Heavenly in fact!

  6. I don't know how I missed this post, but your tatted edge is perfect on this outfit for church!! Lovely!


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