Well I tried!

As you can see I tried very hard to copy the second post that I put on my blog "was the word" which is supposed to be Praise. However, this became a bit of a challenge and half way through I wanted to give up. But having started I thought I'd better finish and this is the result, not good - but its very difficult trying to put letters inside another letter! I vow never to attempt such a thing again and will get back to a pattern that I can follow.


  1. WOW, at this rate I'm going to retire from tatting. WELL DONE little sister. That's ace. Of course you wrote it all down, didn't you?!?!?!?

  2. I am so glad you didn't give up on this!! It is gorgeous! Well worth the wait for eyecandy. So now what are you going to do with it? Frame it?

    If you are like me, you tatted and designed it. Never wrote it down. Right Jane??!!! You tat it for tat's sake. One time tatting deal I call it. ;)

    XOXO Neph of Sally

  3. Super cool...it looks like calligraphy

  4. Just not really happy with the result, perhaps because it did my head in making it! Yea your right Neph "one time tatting deal" thats me, can't stop and write things down just like to go full steam ahead! X Aunty

  5. Wow, You did it!! I think you did a pretty good copy of the picture in the second post. I don't think I could have come up with anything quite that good.

  6. Very nice! You see, it sure pays to persevere!

  7. Looks good to me--it certainly said 'PRAISE'. Well done!

  8. Wow, that is awesome! Great job!


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