Unusual Tatting Shuttles

I won two shuttles on e.bay last week (yes still can’t break the habit!), they were being sold by the same person but with four days between listings. The first one is a Vintage Bone tatting shuttle 10 cm in length, 2 cm wide and 1cm in depth and described by the seller as “lovely to work with even though a bit larger than average. It is very comfortable and smooth in the hand.” She went on to say “a little stiffness in the fingers prevents me from using this shuttle now."
It certainly is a larger than normal shuttle.
Sad to think that as we get older ailments such as stiffness in the fingers may prevent us from tatting, hope that is a long time coming for me. Another comment that was made by the seller was this "The top view shows a tiny mark that is in the bone itself. The other side shows small very fine hairlines where the pins are. This has been like this for a very long time and has occurred through natural use over many years." A well used shuttle, that is what I like to hear!

The second shuttle was described as a horn tatting shuttle – double thread with two shanks for winding two threads. Again she says “Shuttle has nice tight ends, smooth to the hand when in use”. I have never seen a double one before and trying to think when it would be most useful.
I was quite pleased with these purchases as they were both under £5 each and will now go into my collection although I might eventually find a use for the double thread one.

I am trying to motivate my husband into making tatting shuttles, he made this one for me years ago, can’t remember where the design came from but it was definitely copied.
Obviously the classic design would be better and as he has some small pieces of hard wood stashed away, they could be re-incarnated into tatting shuttles!


  1. I wanna buy one of Nick's homemade shuttles. Lock him in the garage and don't feed him until he's made me one (or ten)!

  2. All three shuttles are beautiful! I'm with Jane... don't let him out until there are shuttles for everyone!

  3. Lovely shuttles! I'm with Jane, too! I'd love a shuttle or 2 from Nick!

  4. The shuttles are all lovely!! I have a double shuttle made out of bone by Heiko Pund. I can't tell from the picture if it is like mine or not. I don't use it much because it is for fine threads, I'm afraid to put anything but a 70 or 80 thread on the shuttle and I don't often tat with threads that small.

  5. Lovely additions to your collection!
    Fox : )

  6. Count me in with Jane, Diane, and TattingChic -- Nick's shuttles need to be in my collection too!

  7. Told Nick about your comments and he looked amazed and a little shell shocked, because of this I decided not to lock him in the garage! He was in no fit state! I think he is beginning to understand how we tatters love our shuttles, perhaps more than our partners!!! So this weekend he has promised to make a start, he is going to make one for me out of some special wood that has a particular significance. So thank you for your comments, and watch out for further developments.
    Carol thank you for your help with the double thread shuttle, looking at it I can see now that it would only take fine thread

  8. Your collection is growing - the next thing you will need is a display case of some sort! Those tiny lines on the bone shuttle distinguish it from ivory -it's how you can tell the difference in an antique shop if you happen to come across a whole dish full of old shuttles. I had to go all the way to Tasmania to find that!
    Tell Nick to make "several", because we want some too!

  9. My ears perk up when hearing about new shuttles. Put me on the list!

  10. You lucky girl! I just bid for 2 shuttles and they are going to cost me a bomb (due to the exchange rate)! But you know how we love shuttles...

  11. Maureen - Yes my shuttle collection is growing! But I have a lovely box in which they now reside, made by you know who!!! Also thanks for the info on telling the difference between bone and ivory.

    Krystle - this list is growing!!!!!!!!

    Valerie - yes I was lucky, don't know why because usually they go sky high. The exchange rate is a killer at the moment

  12. Hi Sally! I'm back again just to say thank you for visiting!


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