Remembrance Day – Poppy Day

Is when we remember those who have died in the First World War (known as the Great War) and the Second World War and in all conflicts since then in which our armed forces have been involved. At the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month the armistice was signed in 1918.

On Sunday Remembrance Services were held and a two minute silence was observed at 11 O’clock by war memorials up and down the country including the cenotaph in the middle of London. In our village a service was held at one church and then we took a 20 minute walk to another church where we stood outside the war memorial, the church itself is not large enough to hold all who attend. On the war memorial are the names of those who died in the two World Wars and who used to live in the village, after the silence a bugle played the last post and poppy wreaths were laid by the memorial.

I officiated at these services and before hand asked the Scouts if they would like to write some pieces to be read out during the service, based on the present troubles in Afghanistan and this is one of their contributions.

I Wish

I wish for peace
I wish for health
I wish for death to leave
I wish for friendship

I hope for laughter
I hope for play
I hope for fighting to end
I hope for countries to get on with each other

I pray for life
I pray for soldiers

I pray, I pray for war to end.


We wear the red poppy to remind us of the poppies which grew in the battles fields after the Great War. The sale of them raises money for the Royal British Legion helping ex servicemen and women and their families.

I made this poppy by following Martha’s flower instructions here, it took about three attempts and even the final result is not brilliant as it is so hard to keep the tension exact for every petal.


  1. It's absolutely fantastic, Sally, looks perfect to me!
    Age-old theme for the poem, and how appropriate for Armistice Day.

  2. Brilliant poppy. Lovely thoughts from Kiernan (and you, too).

  3. How wonderful ~ such a good day of remembrance from worshipful hearts ~ wish I could have participated!

    Unfortunately, here in USA, it seems that remembering Patriots has gone out of fashion. But I and others remember in our hearts; our relatives who gave their lives for our freedoms and those brave Brits and Aussies who rose to the challenge. Brave souls ~ actually, a nation of brave souls in that greatest generation.

    Thank you for sharing. I always enjoy the emphasis in your blog, not only of tatting but the deeper meanings in our lives.

    XX Beverly

  4. Well said by you and Keirnan...well tatted too.

  5. Wonderful poppy!

    My dad, a pilot in the Canadian Air Force in WW2 was called Poppy by my kids - just a coincidence, but it has prompted me to add that Canadians are also commemorated for their contributions.....
    : )) Fox the Canuck!

  6. Thank you Maureen, Beverly, Jane, Tatskool, Battatter, Carla and Fox.
    The Scouts wrote some lovely words, Keirnan was just one of the contributions.

    Beverly they were brave souls and I hope we never forget that.

    I must admit we keep the emphasis very much on our armed forces during our Remembrance Day but yes Fox many more nationalities fought in the war. Poppy an affectionate name for your Dad.

    This week I've been rejoicing like many others, in the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall - having seen the wall myself and travelled to Berlin by road and rail from West Germany when the wall was there can so appreciate what a difference the wall coming down has made.


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