Small Bauble

I purchased these tiny glass baubles last year after Christmas, I found them reduced in price in the Hobby Craft shop and thought that something could be done with them! So in January this pattern was born, but like all my patterns it ended up on a scrap of paper, somewhere! I've just revisited it and written the pattern down. It took longer than expected because the metallic thread that I had been using had untwisted itself off the reel and was in a mess, when I eventually wound it together with the tatting cotton on to the bobbins it really wasn't fit to use. So after two aborted attempts I opened the new metallic thread.

They are really pretty and sparkle when the lights are on the tree, so far I haven't dropped one!

As I have no drawing programme this is it finished before it is attached to the bauble, a very simple design but as with all designs, and especially this one, it had to fit comfortably over the bauble.
So here is the pattern and a picture of the thread I bought, this particular one is recommended as it does run smoothly (unless you abandon it for 10 months!) other threads are not so easy to work with.

Materials required:
Seed beads
80 cotton and Metallic thread
small bauble (circumference 3")
SCMR self closing mock ring
R ring
SR split ring
P picot
VLP very long picot
Roch Ring on chain
Sh 1 shuttle one
Sh 2 shuttle two

Wind 2 shuttles with the cotton and metallic thread
Add 1 B Sh 1
41 B Sh 2

SCMR 5 B 5 *(2 B @ back hand before starting R 4 B 4 – 4 B 4) 5 B 5 repeat from * 3 times 5 B 5 Cl

SR 1 B @ back of hand before starting 4 B 4 / 4 B 4

Ch: *6 B 4 B 4 Roch 5 VLP add 6 B take bead from core thread move into ring and attach VLP to other side 5 Cl 4 B 4 B 6 + P on round SCMR repeat * 4 times attach to base of SR

To complete fit over the bauble and thread a piece of tatting cotton through the gap made between three of the six beads continue through the rest of them and draw up tight then add a large bead or beads, thread more cotton through the pulled up beads and through the dangle beads, knot close to the beads making a tassel.


  1. Those are lovely Christmas ornaments! Thanks for the tip on the thread. I'll keep it in mind and see if they sell any of it over here! :)

  2. That's a great idea putting a picture of the shiny thread. Lovely baubles and they look even better 'for real'.

  3. How big it the glass ball you are using? This is really pretty and I love the simplicity of it.

  4. TattingChic mixing the threads together can be a bit of a fiddle but well worth it if you are not attempting a large project! Thanks for taking the photo Jane - thats it for pattern writing for a bit!
    Crazy Mom - I've just re-measured all the baubles that I'm tatting around and the best way to describe how big they are is measuring the circumference, the ones on this post are 3" and quite tiny. Hope that helps

  5. Those are so pretty! I'm going to have to head up to the craft store to buy some small baubles and metalllic thread. Thank you for sharing the pattern with us, Sally.

  6. These are so pretty! Using size 80 thread with the metallic makes them sparkle - did you use the really tiny "petite" beads with them?

  7. All your baubles are fab, am only just catching up with you. Thanks for the patterns.

  8. Very lovely Christmas ornaments! Thanks for the patterns.
    Merry Christmas and thanks for your visit,

  9. They are so pretty. I will tat my baubles for next Christmas. Thank you for your instruction.
    Merry Christmas.

  10. Val "sent" me to you b/c of her blog post here:

    This maybe the pattern I need to jump start my tatting again. I think I may have some size 80 in white I can try it out on.

    Thank you for sharing your pattern with me.


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