Beads and more beads

I love wearing necklaces, especially colourful ones, and before I ramble on about mine you must look at these fabulous creations on Martha's blog here, made with buttons and nuggets, they are so clever.
The purple tatted necklace I made for someone called Robin, she is the niece of Robin my friend, mentioned in Jane's blog here. It was tatted during the Christmas holidays and I was able to give it to Robin in person, when she was in England for a week at the beginning of January. Purple is her favourite colour.
I can't stop buying beads especially when I see them at car boot sales or the tip, and it was getting to the point when I was just storing so many beads and not doing anything with them. As I had acquired such a variety of beads over the years, it was such a shame not to use them. They had been stored in containers, never to see the light of day. So last week I scattered the beads all over the floor, and I duly set to work, matching the various shapes, sizes and colours and stringing them. They were also joined by other beads taken from broken necklaces.
These are results of my labours, but I have to admit there are still some more beads hidden away!

In case you are thinking gosh where does she store all these necklaces? Well this is the piece of furniture I store them in, and you can all guess who made this large jewelry cabinet!

In the next post I will show you the new shuttles.


  1. Tat's a lorra, lorra beads little sis!!

  2. Your bead cabinet is splendid, well done to the man who carpents!

  3. Would your husband be interested in having a second wife, one he only does woodworking for? I volunteer to be that second wife. No other responsibilities for him. Because I covet all the lovely things he's made for you!

  4. Very interesting jewelry cabinet. What talent the cabinet maker has. Looking forward to seeing the shuttles.

  5. You are a very creative couple, with your tatting and carpentry - I'm dying to see the shuttles!

  6. those are fabulous jewellery! i'm totally envious of you and your bead collection, and your in-house carpenter!

    can't wait to see the shuttles!

  7. Who? why, what? New shuttles? When, where? How soon???
    Waiting, waiting, waiting . . .

  8. Well my tame carpenter Tatskool is a very very busy man at the moment.
    You did make me laugh Crazy Mom, I'll ship him over the pond, but like any man his high maintenance!!!!!
    Carol it is an interesting cabinet and just right for jewelery, it was my design.
    Maureen we used to make items for craft fairs but they are not so popular these days people will not pay enough for hand made items.
    H.J. the shuttles will be in Jane's Etsy shop next week, but I will blog them first.
    Val I thought you might like my beads!


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