Post Shuttles

My first tatting shuttle was a post shuttle, I can remember it was blue, a pretty shade of blue but I have no idea what became of it. I learnt to tat as a young child so it probably got lost in one of my many moves. The next shuttle I owned was a Milward's shuttle which I still have, although minus the hook that originally came with it. So it was strange when I started to test tat these new additions which "I'm in the garage" has now added to his range of handmade wooden shuttles - there was a feeling of déjà vu!

We are planning on selling the post shuttles (via Jane) before you ask! There will be a "Shuttle management" meeting at the weekend to discuss prices and some better photographs will be taken. The two you see in the pictures are made out of cedar and then transfers were put on them, each picture shows one side of the shuttle. We have only managed to find transfers of birds and butterflies that will fit on the shuttles so far. Small transfers are difficult to find, nowadays it’s the peel off stickers which are popular but they are often too thick for this kind of work.
Krystle offered me some wood a few weeks back and was so kind to take the trouble and post this box to me, and she has also requested some shuttles to be made out of a piece. I am also sending her the first of the post shuttles, which includes a very special shuttle for her eldest daughter, I will let her show you it to you when it arrives. For the past week all the air mail has been held up due to the volcano dust from Iceland grounding the aircraft which were either due to take off or arrive in the UK, thankfully today the airports are now open and operating again but it has meant thousands of people have been stranded all over the world.

The "Pop-A-bobbin" shuttles are continuing to be made but we are awaiting a consignment of bobbins which have obviously been held up because of the volcanic dust.


  1. Your shuttles are great :) I have an idea decorating them - How about a napkin decoupage? I do it with various wooden items and it works for me.

  2. Can't wait to see these in 'real life' over the weekend. Are you hinting that you want me to take photographs of them?!?!?!

  3. Looking good, is he planning to make any with a point!

  4. Hi Decoromana - actually we did think of decoupage but haven't got enough confidence to do it! Using napkins is even more scary as they are so thin! Any tips????
    Your camera is far better than mine Jane!
    Yep Krystle there are getting closer to you!
    Hi Tatskool another challenge! The answer is not sure, we did talk about points the other day though!

  5. .....More happy happy happy dance!

  6. Hi Sally, Wow, this is fantastic. I would love to have one of these too. I have a special piece of walnut wood. The tree is from my property. I am having a GR8 shuttle made from this, could I have one of your post shuttles made from it too???
    I could send it too you. Pretty Please!!

  7. I'm in the garage will never be allowed to leave the garage at this rate!lol. Love the new shuttles. Will want to be on that list too. What size blanks do you use? Air dried or kiln dried. The reason I ask is we have varies pieces or hard wood around I would send some.(have had various old buildings taken down, old nursery stock chopped down etc.). Hope this volcano thing hasn't disrupted your family too much.

  8. Thanks so much for the offer of wood, we have enough at the moment as the garage isn't that big! (Not consulted "I'm in the garage" just my plea as he never says no to wood!). But please please can you save it until later? Sue Anna you are so right he is never going to leave that garage, I've even thought of locking him in!
    Luckerly the volcano dust did not disrupt our family, but deposited some rather horrible stuff on our car!!!!

  9. Ooh, as much as I love the Pop-a-Bobbin shuttles, post shuttles are my first love.

    I bet Georgia Seitz knows a tip or two about decorating shuttles...


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