Black Magic - Stardate

Well I was going to put the Mary Konior book away with my other tatting books, then I thought this isn't right.  I've waited all this time to get my greedy little hands on the book, and so putting it away on the shelf  and ignoring it for a week, a month or even two, just didn't seem right.  So I made this bookmark which in the book is called "Black Magic" because it was obviously tatted in black.  However, decided it would look good in variegated cotton and thanks very much to Sue Anna who so kindly sent me the stardate cotton, the end result is very pleasing. 

The piece of wood you saw in my previous post seemed to get some of you guessing, unfortunately you were all wrong! But thanks for trying, so that you can have one last stab at it, here is another picture with the log cut in half by the chain saw, to help you I have taken the photograph with a plant hanging over the wood,  which should remind you of  Christmas.          

  You can see that it  is a very pale wood, almost white and

hopefully will make some lovely shuttles in time for Christmas!


  1. I love my Mary Konior books, and I think this pattern is wonderful. I've never successfully tatted it, though. Maybe I should give it another try.

    The wood is beautiful! I can't wait to see how the shuttles turn out!

  2. Your book mark is beautiful! The colors are wonderful for it.
    As for your log of wood, could it be orange sage or red hedge? I can't really tell much by the pictures on what kind of wood it really is. But since most of the woods it isn't, I thought it might be one of those. Cedar also has alot of white around the red heart of it too. Well good luck figuring out what your wood is. Let us know if you ever find out. For it would be nice to know what your wood is.
    Enjoy today & keep on tatting or in your case making shuttles so everyone can tatt.

  3. I do generally see this tatted in a solid color but this looks wonderful! Love it!

  4. Nice bookmark, I love the colours!

  5. That's a lovely, lovely bookmark. I don't think I've ever made it! Love the wood too. Great find.

  6. The bookmark is just stunning in that thread!

  7. Beautiful bookmark. Really lovely.

    Wood must be holly....

    Fox : )

  8. The holly and the ivy, when they are both full grown...

    I had never pictured that bookmark in a variegated thread before. Stardate is perfect for it! And don't you love it when the colors of a variegated thread work out symmetrically like that?

  9. Lovely bookmark and I just love the thread combination!!!!

  10. Ooh, that's lovely! What a fab colorway that is, too! Just wanted to say that I think your shuttles are works of art and that I love seeing them on the blogs. That wood is going to make more lovely shuttles, too.

  11. Very beautiful bookmark, I never tatted it; Mary Konior was great!

  12. There's always something new to learn with your posts! Very clever clue of the 'ivy', and I MUST add my vote to the HOLLY tree - which I didn't even know WAS a tree! I always thought it was just a 'bush'! Apparently the Holly tree is the State Tree of Delaware, and the wood is often used to make chess pieces. They describe the wood as 'white'(Isn't the internet wonderful, that I can be so knowledgeable!). So I'm voting for HOLLY TREE!!! :)

    Also, the bookmark is gorgeous! It's so wonderful how traditional solid-color patterns can be very eye-catching in the new variegated threads! I've seen Mary's book advertised in Lyn Morton's site. I'm fortunate to have my own copy from 1994, but I wonder if she has any copies left with so many tatters seeking a copy. It seems reasonably priced there.

    I'm looking forward to seeing Carol Lawecki's shuttles soon! She may be attending our next festival in August!

  13. Confession time. When I got the color 'Stardate' I wasn't as in love with it as Marilee's other colors, but it really 'pops' with this pattern! I have made this pattern, time to make it again in 'Stardate'. Your tatting is lovely.

  14. Thanks for all your comments about the bookmark, I'm still quite a novice with HDT! Particularly thanks to Sue Anna who is really encouraing me to use HDT by sending such wonderful samples. I love them all!!

    Now to put you all out of your misery, the mystery wood is not Cedar BSOTF but I agree it is a similar pale colour. It is HOLLY - Karen you were the first to answer correctly and Miranda knew what I was trying to convey with the Christmas carol "Holly and the Ivy"
    Again well done Kathy and also the interesting facts about the holly bush/tree. I was very careful in my posts to actually not mention the word tree because I like you have associated holly with a bush.

    Now the wood is drying out, could there be shuttles for Christmas? Also thanks for the lovely comments about the shuttles can't believe how popular they are.

  15. There are a couple of holly plants in my parents' yard that were bushes when I was a kid, but are trees now. I guess it all depends on the age of the plant (and maybe some species do grow larger than others).

    I love my Pop-a-Bobbin. The hook is just perfect.

  16. Lovely colour combo, came out really well.


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