Florence Nightingale

Today marks 100 yrs since the death of Florence Nightingale, who did so much to improve nursing. Her home is not far from where I live and this is a picture of her grave in the churchyard near by. You will notice that it only has her initials on F.H. this was her request.  Florence grew up wanting to improve the care of the sick, nursing then was seen as employment that needed neither study nor intelligence and her family didn't want her to be working in the awful conditions that hospitals were known to be in at that time. They expected her to be a lady who would have no need of employment.When in 1854 the Crimean War broke out Florence, together with thirty-eight nurses embarked on the task of cleaning up the filthy Army field hospitals in Crimea and slashed the death rates of wounded solders from typhoid and cholera.  She carried a lamp as she walked the halls of the battlefield hospital and became known as the "lady with the lamp". She saved thousands of lives by instigating new rules of hygiene and care for the sick. There are many events to celebrate Florence Nightingale's centenary year.  Having seen so many nurses in a certain hospital in the last two months I, for one, have tremendous admiration for them all.

Knowing that Florence lived through the Victorian era I decided to try tatting a parasol, but it seems to look more like a lollipop!   If you really want to see a much better example of a parasol, click on to Kathy's blog 

I also don't own a lovely doll or anything to go with this parasol so it just had to hang on a bush not in the sunshine but in the pouring rain!


  1. That's SO interesting. You are a clever lass. I like your parasol - perhaps it should be called an umbrella!!!

  2. Jane is so right! Btw, I couldn't get the link to Kathy's blog to work.

    Thanks for sharing some history that has become especially meaningful to you.

  3. Again you have surprised me! :) I certainly enjoyed the story about Florence Nightingale (most informative), and as I scrolled down I saw the cute parasol and then a link to MY blog, which was so kind of you! (I did notice that the link was broken at the time, and Tatknot confirmed it wasn't just my computer!)

    I thought you did a wonderful job on the parasol, and constructed it very well, with the lining and the handle, and bead at the bottom! The only thing I did differently was to add a wider lace at the top.

    I show photos of two parasols I made, one with the handerchief doll (May 4, 2009), and the closeup of the one hanging on my tree (March 3, 2010). If you type "parasol" in my search box, both posts show up. Also, clicking on the Christmas tree photo shows the comparative size to other ornaments

    I notice that by tying a ribbon tightly under the wide lace (as in the March 3 photo) there's more of a ruffle, making it look more like the parasols of old - rather than an umbrella! :)

    Look for an e-mail from me soon, as I received your package yesterday and am still in shock!

  4. Hi Eliz and Kathy, I've fixed the link now, should have really checked it worked before going live!! sorry.
    Kathy pleased the package has arrived safely and I hope it was a nice shock!! Thanks for tips regarding the parasol, will have another go at one, perhaps nearer Christmas as they do look good on a tree.

  5. Loved that info about FN. And the photo shows what a very beautiful corner of the planet you live in! So green and lush...
    Fox : )

  6. Your parasol brightens up the branch very well! I'm thinking what a very interesting part of the world you're in - first we had Rev Awdry, and now Florence Nightingale ! Looking forward to the next luminary, and I love the way you team them up with tatting patterns and things!


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