A Picture

This picture was painted by the same person who created this one.  She lives in Ireland and last year I took a few tatting pieces over for her to make another picture.  As you can see there are Martha's sheep and Jane's wheel barrow amongst other small flowers and butterflies. Sadly I was unable to collect the picture myself and enjoy a holiday, it was brought back for me by a friend.

When my sister Jane first forced me to start this blog, late one night, it was intriguing to see my first follower, which of course was big sister!  Then very quickly the numbers grew, which enabled me to find out about other interesting blogs, and so the story continues!     Yesterday however, after arriving back from seeing big sister, I noticed the followers had gone up to 100, a magic number and in honour of this I would like to send a small present to the 100th person. It was lovely to see Sharren's smiling face, so if you are reading this Sharren please can you comment with your e.mail.  Of course would really like to thank all the many loyal followers who dip in and out of this blog from time to time you are all valued, many I seem to know quite well without even having the pleasure of meeting you!


  1. My, the time goes quickly! Congratulations on having 100 followers!

  2. I am happy that big sis FORCED you to have this blog; it is very entertaining!

    Congratulations, Sally, on reaching your 100th follower!
    Fox : )

  3. How kind! I have been reading your blog for some time, and I only just recently started one of my own (I'm still learning). I can be reached at palmettosharren at ymail dot com. Thank you, Sally!

  4. Me? Forced? Liar, liar pants on fire!!! You asked me for advice and I gave it!!!! SO glad you did start a blog, though and congratulations on becoming 100!!

  5. Congratulations, Sally, on reaching your 100th follower!


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