Jane's Robin

Just over a year ago I posted this robin but found it rather a fiddle to make, ever up to the challenge Jane designed another one and took it to the Palmetto Tat Days.   As I was so happy with the result I immediately started a production line of them, but all of a sudden the eyes became a problem and I stopped making them and so bits of robins languish in a bag ready and waiting for the day when I will have enough confidence and time to finish them.  This robin now lives in Canada, he flew over there last year. A little bird also tells me that the pattern will soon be available to everyone.

Whilst shopping today I found an instant way to get a robin in your garden!  Made by Kingfisher?!

It is Tuesday, named I believe by Isdihara as "Tatting Tea Tuesday" so in honour of her I took a photo of this bag of tea.  Hopefully later on today I will get a chance to sit down and tat with a cup of tea. If you would like to win a tatted cup then go over to Wendy at this blog for a chance to win one.


  1. Ooooh, I like the idea of the cup of tea!!!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing your lovely post and also for your kind nod to Tatting Tea Tuesday. I, too, hope you were able to find a relaxing moment for tea and tatting.

    Who wouldn't love to tat one of Jane's lovely robins? They are a sure sign of Spring!

  3. Love your Robin and a cup of tea sounds just fine!

  4. So happy you finished your robin. That is one of my patterns on my list to do! She looks great!
    I know that Yankees can't really make a 'good' cup of English tea, but it does look yummy. I am not a green/black tea drinker myself. I fell in love with some of the herbal teas in Australia( can't get them here) and of course Milo.( The best chocolate hot drink on the planet). But if you don't make it right, nothing tastes good! lol.
    Hope you have a great tatting tea Tuesday!

  5. There's a robin pattern in the ROT 2005 book that I particularly like so I never got around to tatting Jane's. Birds are fiddly though, with the color changes and beads for bits. Well worth the effort but I do have to be "in the mood". This one is a sweetie.


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