Three Gifts

Today is the feast of Epiphany when we remember the three kings traveling to see the Christ child and offering gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.  I have three sets of items to show you, only they were not all gifts, unless you can call some of them gifts to myself!  

Sue Anna sent me this selection of HDT, bobbins and beads and 'Im in the garage' some wood, but sorry you can't see that as he has put them away in a safe place.  This is most generous and Sue Anna and she is most appreciative of the shuttles that are being made by 'Im in the garage".

The after Christmas sales meant that there were some baubles reduced in price and looking very lonely on the shelves.  The colours may be a bit dark but I am sure when they are covered with tatting they will look very different. 

The last of the three gifts are some Lizbeth threads, Jane and I ordered a batch of them from the USA, she bought loads more than me!!   But sadly the customs people charged us for the privilege. 

With all these beautiful threads I now have in my possession, would you believe I dug out an old white Coats ball of thread and covered one of the black baubles?  Notice I did not even add a bead.  It is a bit like a child in a sweet shop at the moment there are so many lovely things to choose from but I don't know where to start!

Jane will be putting five pop-a-bobbin shuttles into her shop on Saturday, there will be no post ones this time.   However, if you want to win one of those, then please enter the caption competition that was in my previous post, there is one more day until it is closed.  Thank you to all who have so far entered, they are all very clever.


  1. Ooooh, I love your new baubles. Aren't we the two luckiest people in tat land?

  2. Yes we are the luckiest people in tat land - so much to play with, perhaps it will keep us quiet for a bit!!!

  3. New threads are the best treat! - but that's terrible that you had to pay customs duty on them. I bought 10 balls of Lizbeth from America,before we were able to buy them locally, and I wasn't charged anything.


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