Holy Saturday

Happy Easter

Today is 

St. George's Day

And I drank to St. George the patron saint of England and Scouting!

 and it is also 

Shakespeare's Birthday

 I was born in the same town as the famous bard of Avon. 

"ON a day--alack the day!--

Love, whose month is ever May,

Spied a blossom passing fair

Playing in the wanton air:"


  1. Rock on Shakespeare!!!!! The celebrations are going to be next weekend for his b'day as this weekend it's Easter!!!

  2. pretty flowers, which it would be spring here. sigh. granted the calendar says late April, but the weather seems to think it isn't time yet. we are seeing some sun this afternoon. first in a loooonng time.

  3. Ladytats we are having the most glorious weather temperatures above 25C and everything looks so lovely in the sunshine. April is normally known for its "April Showers"! Hope the nice weather gets over to you soon.

  4. Your eggs are beautiful! Are they tatted on real eggs?

  5. Yes Michelle they are real eggs, I blew the middles out of them and then painted them. I made these tatted eggs years ago but with all the lovely thread I have now much prettier ones are planned for next year!

  6. Very nice job on the eggs! They stll look great after all these years, and the basket is perfect for them - nice and soft!

    You must have had tourists all the time - and I guess Jane still does! No doubt you had to memorize a lot of Shakespeare!!! And here's to St. George! Several of my early English ancestors were named George!

    Hope you have a lovely Easter tomorrow.

  7. I've loved seeing the little blue basket in all these posts! - and now, with the eggs inside, it's perfect!
    What a lot of concurrent celebrations - over here, with Easter being so late, it clashes with Anzac Day - so we get TWO extra holidays after Easter Sunday, instead of only one.
    And since our weather is glorious too, after the most horrendous summer in memory, everyone has gone to the beach, up and down the Coast.

  8. What a pretty basket and eggs! I didn't get an early enough start this holiday to get anything like that done up, but I do think I can handle a bit of the brew to toast St. George and Shakespeare, both.

  9. look at those pretty eggs! ooh, all the celebrations and the beautiful season is going to be fun! enjoy.

  10. What I remembered of memorizing ‘the Bard” was, “Oh, that this too, too solid flesh would melt, thaw and resolve itself into a dew” or something like that! Every time I think of loosing weight, I remember that from Drama. LOL
    I love you eggs. Easter is my favorite seasonal day.
    He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!
    love and blessings, Bev
    PS Surgery went smashingly well and I’m tatting!

  11. Hi Kathy thanks for your comments, yes certainly had to memorise some of Shakespeare's words.
    Hi Maureen, actually this is a blue basket the other one was slightly greener I am making more, a bit of a craze. We also have a lot of holidays coming up especially with May Day and the Royal Wedding.
    Hi Jane, well the beer was great especially as it was so hot yesterday.
    Thanks Val it is going to be a week of celebrations this week!
    Bev how marvelous to hear from you, so so pleased the surgery went well and you can now enjoy Easter - many blessings.

  12. Your eggs are very beautiful!!!
    Happy Easter!

  13. Thank you Rita and a Very Happy Easter to you.


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