A Heavenly Host

Now I am quite fond of angels and when I saw Sharren's easy, but effective pattern I just had to add some beads and this is the result.    All angels except one have the ends just left loose, and so depending on what I decide to do with them they can be finished off at a later stage.

Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post it was exciting watching the Royal Wedding, although I didn't think it would be. I was also surprised that so many people around the world became so excited about the event. We are slightly worried though that there will be requests for trees to be put into our churches for wedding ceremonies, fortunately only one church is big enough to take any, but the answer is actually "no you can't!"

The honeymoon for the Queen and Prince Philip and also for Charles and Diana started just a few miles from where I live, but for William and Kate it was a secret location, although they only had a short break apparently the real honeymoon is being taken later on.


  1. Love the beads on them. I'm sure Sharren will be impressed too.

  2. They are so beautiful! You've inspired me to try them!

  3. Your colour combos are yummy!
    Fox : )

  4. Those are all so pretty! I love little patterns like that. (:

  5. I love the middle angel on the bottom row - with the beads forming a point.
    You will be prepared for any eventuality when Christmas comes!

  6. Hi,

    They loook lovely and with the beads makes than look special.


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