Sea Shells

Finished this necklace today, started it months ago but became very lazy when it came to attaching the findings.  I did not follow a pattern, so fairly pleased with the result.  I think the thread is Lizbeth sea shells. My problem is that when I tear open the packet to get to the lovely threads - I loose the label in my excitement!

Thank you to those who were concerned about where we are going to hold our Scouting event this weekend.  Fortunately we have found another field attached to a Scout headquarters that is available, this is a rural area but as you can imagine such places are in demand in the Summer months.  The theme of the day is "Long John Silver" to celebrate 25 yrs of Beaver Scouts and so pirates are the order of the day. Activities will include, walking the plank, collecting gold treasure coins, making pirate hats, plus an assault course.  The weather has slightly improved, so hope nothing else will mar the day. Everything has been purchased and my car boot is full, now need to work out timings.

Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen!              Yo Ho Ho!


  1. That's a lovely necklace. I love the shells (?) on it too. Glad you've found somewhere to play pirates at the weekend!

  2. Goodness, that's a beautiful necklace!

  3. Yes, seashells indeed. A very nice and unique necklace. Happy scouting and pirating.

  4. You are right that is sea shell thread, I love it too, and your necklace is lovely goes well with the thread.
    I hope you have a lovely weekend with the scouts

  5. Lovely Sally! The heart beads colors look so nice with this thread!!

  6. What a beautiful necklace! I love the addiiton of the 'seashell' hearts!

    Hope you have a great time at your scouting event! Sounds like a lot of fun!


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