Hat and Hooks

I still have not worn the hat, mainly because I was not really happy about the band I put round it, it was a bit bright and conspicuous!  Pure laziness really for doing it as I did not want to make one, but forced myself in the end and think it looks much better. Now I really must wear it!

A close up of the button flower

 The hooks are being cut for the shuttles, it seems such a shame to desecrate a brand new crochet hook, but needs must.  I sneaked into the garage to photograph these

After the 'big chop' they are put into a lathe to make the ends uniform before attaching to the shuttles

Hopefully I will be able to show you some finished shuttles in the next post.


  1. I LOVE the hat band but don't let Diane (Lace-Lovin' Librarian) see it cause it's blue and she might sneak over to your house and steal it when you're not looking. Go on, wear it. Ask 'im in the garage' to take a picture of you in the hat too. I'm looking forward to getting my mucky mitts on the shuttles as they'll 'remind' me to start up the Etsy shop again!!!!

  2. I love the hat! Do we get to see a picture of you modeling it?

  3. Terrific band. Very pretty - and lovely colours. You should enjoy this one!
    Fox : )

  4. Your hat is amazing! The colors are gentle and gorgeous and the button flower is perfect!

  5. Such a smart and stylish hat band! I'm quite taken with it (as I suspect Lace-Lovin' Librarian Diane is now that she has seen it) and would like to see a model photo.

  6. What a beautiful hat band, love the flower.


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