The next batch

These little beauties will be posted to Jane in the next day or so, and for the first time ever I am really reluctant to see them go.  I'm in the garage has really excelled himself this time and the shape and finish of them is even better than before.

And the popper tools are now shaped

From left to right they are Mahonia, Ebony and Purple Heart.  There are only two Mahonia shuttles in this batch and there is a very limited supply of this wood because most of the pieces we were given decided to split.

There are 14 shuttles in total and a choice of other woods are also in this batch. Because we have purchased the crochet hooks, instead of making them, the price of the shuttles has risen to reflect this extra expense.

So please go over to Jane's Etsy shop when she has opened it again and look for them, don't worry she will give you plenty of warning!


  1. They really are beautiful! I'm sure you can justify the need to keep one of everything--for historical evidence if nothing else! ;D

  2. Thanks for the heads-up,Sally---I'll be there to grab one!

    I still say that "I'm In The Garage" needs to give up his day job and make shuttles full-time; you guys are on to something big here!

  3. Congratulations on the quick sales! They were gone by the time I got home from church.

  4. Just had to "Pop" over here today to let you know that an hour ago I became one of the 'LUCKY 14' proud owners of the first Pop-A-Bobbin shuttles with the real crochet hooks! I am SO EXCITED right now, and would have written sooner, except I've been busy tatting with it, happy as a clam!!!

    The crochet hook is SO beautiful - the highest quality! And it's the perfect size! Great choice! It will be perfect for 'untatting' as well as joining!

    I promise to do a post soon, singing the praises of this magnificent shuttle! To me it's the perfect combination of wood bobbin shuttle with easy-to-obtain Aero bobbins!!!

    Please let 'in-the-garage' know how much I appreciate the skill and talent that went into making this fabulous shuttle!

  5. Phew thanks Kathy, it is really good to hear that the new hooks are a success. Like most things concerning these shuttles sourcing a supply of the right sized hook to suit everyone was a major problem. But the effortt seems to have paid off!! I will pass on your comments


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