1.1.11 - and would you believe it another one?!

Today is one of those rare combinations with all the ones in the date.  It is also All Saints Day in the church calendar.

Yesterday though marked 60 years since the introduction of zebra crossings in the UK   The first appeared in Slough, Berkshire, in 1951. However, more than 1,000 have been removed over the past five years and the threat of them going altogether has just been announced in the news.  Some have already been replaced by more sophisticated alternatives with lights and flashing signs.  The
number of deaths on the crossings has doubled since 2007, in part
because of a growing reluctance of drivers to stop at them, which they are supposed to do when they see a pedestrian waiting or actually stepping on to the crossing.

So let me introduce to you a piece of Zebrano - otherwise known as Zebra wood. This wood was recently purchased to make more pop-a-bobbin shuttles from and it is still in this state so I cannot show you any yet.    The stripes in it are very distinctive.  As you can see the ends of the wood are a different colour as they have been waxed.  The wood originates from Central Africa but we purchased it from a wood supplier in the north of England.

One of the most famous zebra crossings in the world is probably the one that appears on the Beatles Abbey Road album.  And yes we do have the LP -  here it is, not thrown out in the latest clear out!

This particular zebra crossing in London was given a Grade II listed building status (of historical interest) by English Heritage in December last year, so it should therefore be safe, indeed it is a tourist attraction.


                                                     Today's date as a zebra crossing!

Hope you have been over to Jane's blog to give your opinion as to the time of day the latest pop-a-bobbins should be listed.


  1. In the US, these are known as Pedestrian Crossings, and if a pedestrian is in one you have to give them the right of way. And Abbey Road is one of my favorites of the Beatles albums...

    The Zebrano wood is GORGEOUS!

  2. That's another interesting post. Thanks little sister.

  3. I am very sad to hear they want to get rid of the zebra crossings, well in somerset last year they went mad, we seem to have more than we did perhaps every one they get rid of somewhere else is now arriving down here. In Midsommer Norton they have placed zebra crossings by mini roundabouts yes within yards of the roundabout so there you are looking and watching the traffic only to have the added attraction of a crossing. So before you start off on the roundabout you have to look twice to see if someone is crossing, another way of causing traffic problems. I can think of ten new zebra crossings within a few miles of my home. We have two in the villiage raised up so you have to slow up going over or have your car bashed underneath. If you lose one, its more than likely to arrive down here.
    I feel they are good things to have but not in silly places, but I dont think they teach new drivers how to respect them.

  4. I agree Margaret there are some crazy traffic calming/slowing down systems in operation at the moment in England, and those mini-roundabouts can be very confusing. But we love roundabouts over here don't we?! The idea is to replace the zebra crossings with more efficient ways of making crossing the road safer, i.e. flashing lights, although I doubt it will make much difference and of course be extremely costly.

  5. Zebra wood!! Just when I think I've got all the exotic wood shuttles. I can't wait for these to become available. Zebra wood Pop-a-Bobbin shuttles would look great. I'm glad you got a hold of some zebra wood.

  6. LOL Oh my Goodness! I thought for a bit there you meant REAL Zebras taking over the UK. Well, it IS getting late and I AM tired...but Zebras.

    Here, they have a habit of parking allover the markings that are set for handicap parking...if you park and accidentally “touch” a line (those using the special parking) you are charged 250 in CA.

    I haven’t been reading blogs lately; or writing. Life just filled with office after office of physicians. My new Primary has sent me for all the things they didn’t take care of in New Mexico. It’s been a busy 4 weeks. I’ve had dialysis four times now, so far so good. I see a new vascular surgeon next week to look over the non functioning fistula. I have a temporary catheter that goes under my collar bone (very attractive). LOL I’ve decided to go with a catheter because you don’t have to have any needle pokes with that. It is all about choices right now; plus I could tat while at dialysis.

    Well, I’ll leave you to your Zebras. Zebra wood for the shuttles sounds great. :>)

    love, bev

  7. We find another wood just to tempt you Jeff!
    Good to hear from you again Bev I suppose that is what happens when you move, different people (physicians) have different opinions, but it sounds all good, hope you are feeling comfortable with the new treatment. As long as you can tat that is the main thing.


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