One eyed Angels!

I made these angels about twenty years ago, the pattern is in a tatting book that was basically the only one I used at that time as it contained, what appeared to me,  such very modern designs. How life has changed in the tatting world.   The book is called The Complete Book of Tatting by Rebecca Jones.  The sad thing is that these angels will have to be thrown away, they have gone yellow, probably because I used sugared water to stiffen them, all I knew in those days, and they are a bit worse for wear.  Also I think they are having a 'bad hair day!' Not to mention the the loss of one eye.

I can't stop tatting Martha's snowflakes but think they do look better without beads.

Or may be not!

Had a really nasty cold last week so have a lot to catch up with, including finding some angels for a Scout Carol service (no not tatted angels or one eyed ones!) sorting out some carol singing and readings for Thursday evening in accommodation where some elderly people live. Also compiling a service for  Sunday morning entitled 'Hanging of the Greens" which I believe is more common in the USA, we have never done it in our church before.  On Saturday I am going to find some holly and other greenery and in the service encourage the congregation to make some decorations for the church - wish me luck it is going to be a busy week!


  1. Don't throw the angels away! Every year, the ornament which takes pride of place on the top of our tree is a one-winged golden angel - the last of a set of six. My grandmother had them when she was a young bride in India, and I will never part with my broken-wing angel because it means that my grandmother is always with us at Christmas.

  2. Maybe the angels could serve as bird nest material? Rather than just tossing them out?

    Love the snowflakes! Such a pretty patterns.
    Fox : )

  3. Those angels must have been very pretty once. Would it be possible to launder the tatting and remake the heads?

  4. Thanks for all the suggestions on what to do with the angels.
    Now just can't bring myself to throw them away!


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