Rings, Robins and Angels

It was a craze a few years ago, well it was for me, to buy wire bangles from shops as they were cheap and cheerful and were good for displaying tatting, especially at Christmas.  However, the fashion has changed and now they are not so common, well not here in the UK.  Fortunately I still have a very good supply and now and then use them for such a purpose, some tatting fits exactly whilst others, not quite.

I made three big sister angels (from Martha Ess's new book) to fit in rings using Lizbeth, Coats and Manuela thread and they all fitted quite differently.  The angel above is using Manuela

In my 'awaiting to finish' tatting pile were some robins, I had seriously got stuck with their eyes for some reason or another and they were abandoned for over a year.  The other evening I managed to finish that part of them. But then had trouble with the legs, you can just see where one was started, on the bottom robin and then it was chopped off!

They remind me of that song entitled 'When the Red, Red Robin Comes Bob-Bob Bobbin Along' but

then I thought of pop-a-bobbin shuttles and bobbins were on my brain for the next 24 hours! So I sat 

down and started attaching their legs and aim to stop their 'bobbin' and to get them static in the rings.

Just three more pairs of legs to do now - the pattern can be found on Jane's blog here

But going back to pop-a-bobbin shuttles more are in  the process of being made and in the New Year there will be another delivery.


  1. Ah, one legged robin at last!!! Sorry I nagged you and teased you about them!!! The angel is lovely. If you want more rings - I've got plenty still. You'll have to remind me when you bring the shuttles up after Christmas.

  2. The rings are very effective for tatting. Great idea! Glad the robins are no longer bobbin'!

  3. I know I have some of those bangles somewhere... if only I could find them! Your angel is lovely, and I'm very fond of birds... tatted birds, that is!

  4. Sally, I'm sure the robins will turn out well-legged. They are fab! I have yet to try my hands on tatting some. (Too many WIPs you understand.) :p

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  5. Thanks for your comment Val. As you know your blog is playing up again! The robins all have legs now and perhaps our new year resolution should be to finish all those WIP! A very happy Christmas to you, you never know I might make it over to Singapore in 2012. By the way I also go for side two of your pendant.

  6. Your robins are very cute. And six are an amazing amount - I only did one!
    You can see it here: http://occhi-spielereien.blogspot.com/2011/12/robin.html
    And I like your angel, too.

    A belated Merry Christmas to you.


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