A tale of two woods

There has been great excitement here in the last few days and we are in "wood heaven".  I admit not everyone gets excited by wood, but when there is an "Im in the garage" to please,  then it is a good enough reason!  The first bit of excitement was learning that a piece of Oregon Myrtle kindly sent by Karen had cleared the dreaded English customs and was on its way to us.  The other was discovering when walking home from work yesterday that a tree just around the corner was being cut and it was an English oak.    My first instinct was of course to ask the men felling the tree if I could take a piece, and yes I was allowed, but obviously I could not carry much.

The tree looked like this yesterday after its massive prune, it definitely had had a "bad hair day" or a "close shave".

When "Im in the garage" returned home from work we went out in the freezing cold and dark to gather a few more choice pieces from the huge selection.  It felt as though we were thieves in the night dressed up with hats and gloves and carrying a torch, there was no vehicle access either unless you went over a field, by some houses, not advisable.

Anyway we manage to get two more pieces and put them in the garage for fear of the frost which could have split newly cut and damp wood.

Back I go this afternoon to see the latest on the oak tree and sadly it had been chopped down, and here is the stump to proof it.  What a sad sight.

I then had an interesting conversation with the men who were felling it, who must have thought this is a crazy woman interested in a tree!    I did find out why it had to come down and the reason is this, it had  fungi growing around it which was killing the tree. It would have taken a long time to do but as the tree was near some houses they could not risk branches falling on them.

All the wood is going to fuel a power station, but they said that there is no danger in using bits for wood turning, or obviously shuttle making. but it would be impossible to explain what a tatting shuttle was to these men, so I did not try.

This morning I went to collect the Oregon Myrtle which Karen had posted from of course Oregon, this meant carrying it quite a way to where the car was parked as they had closed the road due to re-surfacing, so over the last 24 hours I seem to have done nothing but carry wood around the village.

Just look at the grain on this piece, apparently the different minerals in the soil cause the different colours. Whatever
stress the trees have undergone influences the configurations too. Oregon Myrtle wood is used for many things but one prime one is musical instruments, well I can tell you it is music to my ears at the moment!

Thought I would show a little bit of tatting and to also add a bit of colour. As you can see Jane and I have been talking over the internet again, and she let me have the pattern for her latest cute little heart.

I have only managed one so far but go over to her blog and you will see many more.


  1. Your 'wood story' is most compelling and amusing in part! It makes me appreciate even more the work that goes into your shuttles!! You must learn to carry at least photos of the shuttles to explain your wood 'craziness' (LOL)!

    DH and I 'rescued' a white pine back around 2000 when the township was cutting down some trees near our home, along a main road. But they 'saved' one with the roots because it was young and easy to 'pull out' (for them). They said they were going to replant it, but then a few days later they decided not to, so they gave us permission to 'take' it - which we did ourselves a few days later, after we dug a big hole in our yard for it. Small as it was, it was still heavy for us, and we loaded it into our car's trunk for the short journey to our yard. A few cars went by, and I don't know what they thought!

    Amazingly, even though it's not as bushy as most white pines, it's now 30 feet tall and enjoying its '2nd chance'. We call it our "Charlie Brown" tree!

  2. I can just imagine you two skulking around in the dark!! Shame the tree had to go, though but at least a small part of it will eventually 'live on' in shuttles.

  3. Terrific tree talk.

    Jane's hearts are fun! Yours is pretty in that thread.
    Fox : )

  4. Lovely tree story! I love wood also, but I don't have much to choose from around here other than white pine.

  5. Hi Sally I bet if you were in the Brownies or Guides you passed your Woodsman badge?

    I think you should now plant an oak sapling to replace the downed tree. Next time you are out in the woods, collect some acorns and "off you go". You'll have your own plantation in about a hundred years!!!!!!!!

    Many thanks for sharing part of your interesting life.

  6. Hi Kathy, There is a bit of wood craziness in this neck of the woods, and it seems Fox has caught it now!
    But it is good to hear that you rescued a tree, too many are cut down these days, often without reason.

    Hi Anne, No actually I was never a Brownie or a Guide but as a grown up became a member of the Scout Association and gained my Wood Badge many years ago, although it has little to do with wood as such!
    But that is a good idea of planting an oak sapling and strange you you say that as there is a chance to plant some trees (Scouting) this coming weekend.

  7. Hi Sally

    I hope you have prepared your spade in readiness for your weekend's gardening! Please let us know how many saplings were planted. Hope the weather improves for you.

    I'm looking forward to seeing some 'stage' photographs of your DH's progression on the font.
    What wood is he using?

  8. I love trees. My man thinks I'm crazy to go so wild over spotting a pretty and unique tree. I'm especially a sucker for ones with big leaves. I once had him practically hanging off a bridge that was by a big ditch just to get a leaf from this one tree. But the leaf was awesome, it was way bigger than my face. lol

    As far as the wood goes, I love the smell. My Papaw was a carpenter, so the smell reminds me of his woodshed :o) I actually purchased a couple of the shuttles from Jane's shop this past go around, and I love smelling the bags. :o)

  9. Hi Ann, There are 100 fir sablings to be planted this weekend. Will show some photographs of the font in the next post it is coming on very well.

    Hi Jess, I agree trees are magnificent and they live on in the many objects that are made from them. Good to hear you purchased some shuttles. I love the smell of wood too, its the sawdust in the house which can be a bit annoying at times though!

  10. I hear you on the sawdust. I have bad asthma, me and sawdust do not mix well. :o)


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