
It is the Feast of the Epiphany in the church, and strangely enough I seem to write a blog post on this day every year.  Epiphany means a sudden realisation or comprehension of the meaning of something.  My Epiphany was this week when Jane showed me, probably not for the first time, how to do a split chain, something that in the past I just could not get my head around and tried to avoid as much as possible.  My only problem is now finding enough time to actually sit down and put into practice what I have learnt, especially since returning home and catching up on things that need doing.  

Just as I was having a tatting lesson the post came and a card with a red envelope arrived through Jane's door. Inside the envelope was a tiny little sock and tiny little mitten.  The mitten was for Jane and the sock was for me, we are not often together so the timing was excellent and as you can see it has a pop-a-bobbin shuttle in it, a Mahonia one which is my very own shuttle.  The gift is from Teresa  thank you so much.

Jane and I went out shopping, the sales were on but we were attracted to the glittery jewelry which was half price in many shops.   Well it was a bit tempting!

In the tradition of gifts and wise men, oh yes and of course wise women! Just look what beautiful gifts Sue Anna sent me, an amazing array of HDT and Marilee Rockley's new book.   But please do look at the lovely snowflakes that were also included.  Thank you so much Sue Anna, I am definitely going to make some of the items in the book.

There will be more pop-a-bobbin shuttles and post shuttles for sale tomorrow evening in Jane's shop.


  1. So happy to have managed to buy one this time! - what lovely gifts, both the tiny sock and the gorgeous threads.
    I heard recently that in the early church, Christmas was celebrated until the Feast of the Purification very early in February.About 50 days?

  2. So pleased you were able to purchase a shuttle, they went very fast!
    In church we still keep our celebrations of Christmas until Candlemas 2nd February (Feast of the Purification) when the crib is officially taken down. It seems very strange though for those attending church to see. Glad that we take the decorations down in our homes!

  3. So happy that you like the little sock . . . I figured if I was sending one overseas, it might as well be two. I also snagged a shuttle this time. My sister had bought me one with a hook a while ago, but I'm decidedly not a hook person so I gave it back to her. I am also happy to say that a pair of the cufflinks are coming to live on my shirts . . . . I've been eyeing them since they hit the shop.


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