Which One?

As I said in my last post I had another idea for a design and this one is very seasonal, and yes as Jane McLellan said there is a huge gap between the original idea and the final product, but I don't find that gap fun at all!  I have worked on this particular idea all week between preparing for Holy Week and children's activities, and also having a massive Spring clean in certain areas of the house.  I even spent hours removing wood dust off the freezer washing machine and surrounding areas in the garage, when 'Im in the garage was out, you have no idea what mess he makes in there to produce shuttles!

So the result is these two button eggs, well I hope you recognise them as such!  I showed the first one to several people but did not say what it was supposed to be and they all said it was a pendant.  I was rather deflated at that, but how would they know what I was trying to design?  I then came up with the second button egg.  So which one should I run with?  Excuse the way they are scanned, my scanner is high up and I can't see whether they are straight or not!  The first one is using two threads 30 and 40 and the second is Lizbeth 20.

To me designing tatting patterns is like giving birth, when it is over you are delighted but it is the pain before then that hurts so much!   These eggs are what I have given birth to, perhaps they will hatch!!


  1. The green one. I like the shape at the top better. Mind, I like the colours better on the second one!!!!

  2. I'm not normally fond of egg patterns because of the open space in the middle. These are adorable, and I do like them very much. The button fills in the middle, sort of a yolk!

  3. You're very clever to have designed Easter Eggs! - and I knew at once what they were - the green one is my favourite I think.

  4. They're both lovely, Sally - but I like the green one better!

    Good job - personally I think they're both easily recognizable as eggs!

  5. I like them both as far as pattern goes but the green does draw the eye. Color is the key.

  6. I like the shape of the green one better, but the second is more recognizable to me as an Easter egg, but I think it's due to the colours you used. Nice.

  7. Congratulations, Sally. I love designing, but it would amaze a lot of folks to know how many hours can go into perfecting one small, seemingly simple, design. I think the one on the right (with the lilac button) would make a better pendent with that top center ring to add more support to the shape, but I think the green one has a better egg shape. Why not consider it two different designs with different uses and, thereby, maximize the results of your designing efforts from the week?

  8. Yes, I like the green one best too.I like the idea of the button being the yolk too!

  9. they are very pretty Easter Eggs, and it could easily be a pendant as well. a very versatile design. if it is to be an Easter egg laying flat on a table, the green one works very well, for a pendant, you would want the extra support given by the top rings in the smaller one. go for both, you talked about giving birth, well you gave birth to twins! :)

  10. They are both pretty Easter eggs. I Instantly recognized that they were eggs. I like the button yolk as well. Great job designing both of them.

  11. I just love them...! Sue Anna showed me these this afternoon during our gathering, wish you could be there, and I had her email them to me so I could check them out further....So nice!!!

  12. I think the green one is the best and shows more of an egg design. The pink one could work as a pendant. They are both lovely patterns

  13. I like the green one best too :-) Bridget in Australia

  14. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all your comments. I only adapted the original design (green one) because I asked non-tatters their opinion, big mistake! I have now gone on to make a few more and will show you soon. They are in different thread thicknesses and different size buttons, with and without beads. What a clever idea saying the button looked like the yolk of an egg thanks Diane and others who came up with that.

  15. WOW you made these egg designs up! WOW~ Yes I do like the way the top of the green on is I have to say. What a pretty design both of them.

    Happy International Tatting Day!

  16. I just love the idea of using buttons and they look so cool in the center of the eggs. I like both...#1 is the green! Great idea...Now what about the patterns...????

  17. So when do we get the pattern??!! They look fun . Hope you had fun making them!

  18. Well I was going to keep the pattern a secret until the last few comments! So will send it to big sister to check first and then put it on my next blog post.


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