Singapore and more..........

We arrived back home from Singapore late Saturday evening exhausted after a fantastic holiday, which included six days in Java, Indonesia where my eldest son (who lives in Singapore) got engaged to his girlfriend whilst at the top of the Borobudur Temple, very romantic. He also planned the itinerary for the holiday which was filled with so many interesting things to do and see - and we had to stick to it!  Not only did 'Im in the garage' travel out with me, so did my other son.  Strangely though my youngest son seemed to attract the more mature ladies, who either wanted to speak to him, but generally felt the need to take his photograph, no idea why he attracted so much attention, but we all found it quite amusing.

Of course it went without saying that whilst we were there I had to meet up with at least one tatter, this caused a serious problem with the itinerary and somehow the men could not understand the need for a tatters get-together.   In the end though I escaped whilst they went off to watch the science fiction film Prometheus, certainly not my scene.    So I was able to meet up with Val of Val's Simple Passions

She took me to some great eating places.

Shopped for beads, books and thread and texted Jane in England and made her extremely jealous that she could not be with us!

And did some sight seeing. Here is Val standing next to an old post box, still a very familiar sight in the UK. However, this particular one is situated in a building which is now a hotel but used to be the main post office in Singapore.

We saw some night life, and can you see who is wearing my hat featured in my lost blog post?!

Sadly all good things have to come to an end and Val kindly took me back to my hotel where she was able to meet 'Im in the garage', who took this photo

Thank you so much Val for a really great afternoon and evening, hopefully we can meet up again when I'm next in Singapore.

I also met another tatter, but more of that in my next post.


  1. Welcome back and thanks for sharing. Val knows how to show you the town. I'll be looking for more trip info in the coming days. Sounds like a great trip. Karen in OR

  2. Sounds as though you had a wonderful holiday! - and there's another one to look forward to soon, isn't there!

  3. Oh it sounds like a lovely holiday, thank you for sharing your photos, how nice to meet another tatter, it's nice to meet up and share tatting

  4. Glad you were able to ditch the itinery and meet up with a real live tatter!

  5. What a fun trip! Glad you got to see your son, and another tatter or 2. and a bead shop Wow!
    Welcome home.

  6. Oh what fun! Sounds like you had a grand time - take me next time!

    (Bring pictures to show me!)

  7. What fun! Love the photos! Hi Val!

    Glad you had a such a good vacation that included tatting!
    Fox : )

  8. I'm so glad to read that you had a wonderful time in Singapore, and you were able to meet up with Val! What a treat!

  9. Thanks, Sally, for the fun meeting! I'd enjoyed myself very much. And, YES, it's great seeing another tatter in person! Wish Jane was here too. Bumping into 'im in the garage was a bonus!

    P.S. This is the first time I'm having so many of my pictures taken and posted! I'm really quite camera-shy. ;p

  10. It's wonderful to read about your trip! Great photos! Congratulations to your son and his fiancée. An amazing temple! I love blogging for this reason. Getting to 'travel' around the world vicariously and seeing and learning about other places, with a 'personal tour guide! So glad you (and we) got to meet Val. What a wonderful era we live in for these things to be possible!

  11. Thanks everyone, yes it was a great holiday in so many ways. Maureen you are right another one to look forward to when I shall be meeting up with a shuttle load of tatters!
    Kathy when we lived in Hong Kong 36 years ago the telephone was far to expensive to use. At that time no one had any idea how eventually mobile phones and computers would instantly be used by everyone to be in contact with people all over the world - so I heartily agree with you about it being a wonderful era with regard to such commuication.

  12. What a grand adventure! And color me green with envy that you met TWO wonderful Singapore tatters. You lucky lass!

    (Thanks for sharing the pics!)


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