Fun and Games

A few blogs have already shown some great pictures of Tat Days especially the wonderful goodies that were given out or purchased.  But here are a couple of photos showing some of the fun and games that we had.

Jane and Martha attempting two handed tatting

Hanna and Sara tatting blindfolded


Thank you to all the  Palmetto Tatters for all their hard work in making the event such a success and so fun. It was great to see y'all.


  1. Oh, it really was fun! I am so glad that I was able to go this year, and it was wonderful meeting you!

  2. Have you seen the video of the tatting contest? It's available on the Palmetto wevsite! I was able to see the live Ustream, which I thought was amazing technology, even though it was a bit choppy! I saw you in the audience, while Jane was front and center! It made me feel as if I were there in person, and I appreciated the effort that went into making the communication!

    Glad you made it back home safe and sound!

  3. Wow, you said, "Y'all." You have come under the spell of the South!

    Thanks for posting these great photos. I don't have anything like them, and wish I did.

    Will you be posting more? (pretty please, if you can?)

  4. Great to see you Marilee
    No I have not seen the video yet too bust buying supplies and still in the USA
    Karen I have had such a problem posting using the iPad that I will wait now until I get back to UK. in the meantime trying to learn the local lingo!
    Ladytats it was fun and enjoying being over the pond

  5. It looks like fun, blindfolded tatting that must have been great fun

  6. I'm glad you extended your stay here in the US! Happy sightseeing and shopping!

  7. Sally, I always have trouble blogging from Tat Days too...usually my photos won't upload. At least you got photos to cooperate!

    It was such a treat to have you and Jane at Tat Days. Truly a highlight of my Tat Days 2012!

    Safe travels back to the UK and my fingers are crossed that you will be able to come back next year (or the year after).


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