Trains and Planes

This is my last blog post before I start my travels. Tomorrow I catch a train and head for the Midlands to stay the night with Jane, ready to fly very early Monday morning to Georgia and then later on in the week we attend the Tat Days.    Almost packed, it has been incredibly difficult to know what to take both for clothes and tatting equipment.  All these items take up considerable room in a house and then you are expected to put a very small selection in a suitcase, impossible!  Apart from the necessities in life I am carrying 50 popabobbin shuttles and quite a few hooks with hats.   But here is one item that is already packed, apparently essential?!

My lanyard

Already in the last six months I have flown on four planes and about to go on four more before I get back to my home.  I also suffer from motion sickness but have tablets to take, and warned big sister!

A  picture taken when we travelled back from Java to Singapore in June showing the volcanic mountains. 

So I will be seeing quite a few of my blog friends very soon, safe journeys to you all. 


  1. Love the lanyard. Is it all split rings?

  2. Thanks Phyllis yes it is all split ring, I could not decide which colour to use so went for a few!

  3. Your lanyard is so pretty! Bon Voyage, I hope you'll thoroughly enjoy the experience.

  4. Lovely lanyard! Very pretty.

    Have a safe trip and a wonderful time!
    Fox : )

  5. Here's hoping that all your flights are smooth! - it will be fun to read your posts when you come home again.

  6. Would you be able to point me toward a pattern or tutorial that would explain how to make a lanyard like this? I would love to use it as a rosary for my grandmother...Thanks in advance...


  7. Thanks everyone, pleased there are no volcanoes Sandra!
    Deborah I used this method to attach beads to the SRs
    First I made a ring say 1 p 6 attach to finding 6 p 1 close. SR (att bead on shuttle 1 thread before starting)
    1 + p 6/6 + p 1 complete attaching bead as per method before closing. Having the picots on each ring and attaching to the next one gives a firmer finish to the work. Hope that helps.

  8. Have a good flight with Jane! Sure wish I were attending! A big WELCOME to the USA!

    Thanks so much for the tips about the attractive lanyard. At first I thought you used variegated thread!


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