Black and White

Sometimes there is just too much colour around us, and occasionally it is good to look at something in black and white.  How many of us remember when there was only black and white television?!  There is a memorable British sports quote given by Ted Lowe during a snooker commentary. Ted was aware that at the time not all viewers had a colour television so he said "and for those
of you who are watching in black and white, the pink is next to the

So to start with here is Sherry Pence's Scottie Dog, which I promised to tat for someone months ago.   I think one of these little chaps would look great on a greetings card. Thank you Sherry for kindly sharing the pattern.

And now a button brooch

A Christmas bauble

And finally my son Dan who was taking a break from Aikido in Singapore. I was not able to get close enough for an action photograph!

Yes he is a black belt!


  1. Black and White is very elegant - and I still prefer photographs to be printed that way, because I well remember how all the family photos of the seventies and eighties began to fade away!
    Love the Christmas decoration!

  2. Lovely Scottie dog, I was going to make one myself not got around to it yet, lovely brooch and Christmas ball

    Yes when you go back to black and white with a touch of grey, gosh how times have changed, colour was just coming in when my father died I sometimes think what he would make of today, laptop computers, mobile phones iPad I am on mine now, colour 3d televisions, microwaves, gosh the list goes on and all this in the last 40+ years now I am showing my age ,
    I will stop there. Nice to enjoy black and white photos for a change

  3. What a good idea to go back to basics - black and white. I remember when tellies were black and white and I saved up for two/three years so we could eventually buy a colour one!!!

  4. Very interesting post! Love all the black and white items! And such a cute Scottie dog!

    We watch so many old movies on our favorite "Classic Movies" channel (NO commercials, YAY!), that people would think we stll have a black and white TV!
    And I believe it is true that the b/w film photos will last longer than the digital photos on paper.

    Also, thanks so much for visiting my blog, and I MUST ask the pronunciation of "Ambridge" on the soap opera (I was most amused to read about this!). I would bet it rhymes with "Cambridge", whereas 'our' Ambridge (actually my husband's home town) is simply the word 'am' with 'bridge added'. It was named for American Bridge Company back when that company was the town's main employer, and along with the rest of the steel industry, was responsible for the big influx of immigrants from Europe. My husband's Polish grandparents were among them! In the 1920s, the Old Economy buildings were kind of abandoned, and my husband's father and his friends used to play around the area!

  5. what a nice idea to go back to black and white?! very refreshing! while some people do not consider black and white colours, i think these are important colours for me in tatting.

  6. Your Scottie dog is so cute!! :)
    The brooch is great!! :)
    And the bauble is a great design!! :)


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