Christmas Angels

There were only cards hung up in our home this Christmas, no tree and no other decorations, sounds miserable but as we were completely by ourselves with no guests or visitors it just did not seem worth the effort.   However, I continue to tat items that can be hung up at Christmas so that other people will enjoy them in their homes. The break also gave me an opportunity to tidy up some of my craft stuff amongst which were bangles purchased 5 years ago.  This is what I have used some of them for, there are dozens more!  The angels are from Martha Ess's book 'Playing with picots'

I used to attach the tatting to the rings with invisible cotton, but this time thought I would try a different method and rather like the effect of twisting the thread around the rings. 

Which ever method is used though it is a fiddly process.

Even though my home had no decorations I did hang some mistletoe in the parish office, 

well just in case!

In my next blog post there will be a give-away to celebrate the New Year.


  1. Those are REALLY pretty threads you've used for the angels. We had Christmas cards up and down and up and down and up and down. Darn things - hate the fact they never stay where you put them!!!! Did the mistletoe work, then?

  2. Your angels are Beautiful. And I also like the added effect of the thread around the rings.

    I was lucky enough to get to meet Martha at Finger Lake's tatting conference this year. I purchased Playing w/ Picots from her there, and she kindly autographed it for me. I'm not sure I could do her angels the justice you did, but I may have to give it a try.

  3. The angels are lovely - and so is the painting behind the mistletoe - is it a picture of the parish church?

  4. those angels turned out really nicely.
    Happy New Year

  5. The angels are lovely! Thank you for the brilliant idea of using the invisible thread! I've had a project languishing for about 6 years because I couldn't figure out how to attach it to the ring.
    The mistletoe is great- it doesn't grow naturally here so it's great fun to see what it actually looks like. The stuff they sell in stores bears little resemblance.
    I did try to enlarge the picture to read about the parish computer but couldn't get it, what does it say?
    Happy New Year!

  6. I forgot to ask for follow-up comments so here's another one! : )

  7. You house sounds a bit like mine, vernon throw the Christmas tree away before Christmas when he emptied the loft to have the insulation down. For the past three years at least it has de orated the loft at Christmas . This year was put up the cards and a bit of tinsel put out the musical dogs and mice and my two knitted angels I made years ago, that's it. Not a snowflake to be seen anywhere, all my hard efforts did not get a look in who did well mother had a few in her room in the nursing home, I sent some to a friend and have some left to sell next year on my craft table.
    Your angels look lovely and fit the rings very well, I must have another look at this book as Wendy made me a bookmark from it which has reminded me I have the book. At the moment I am tatting teapots from a book I had over Christmas.
    Did the mistletoe get used?

  8. There was no kissing under this misletoe, being in a church might have put people off!
    Bonnie I also met Martha for the first time in September, was thrilled like you, the angels are really easy and such a clever pattern.
    Maureen - The painting is indeed the parish church and parts of it go back 1,000 years, my office is in a modern church well 1950s!
    Michelle will show you a picture of misletoe hanging on a tree in my next post, fascinating to see it, might also show the cartoon of the Parish Computer,
    it really is funny and I have it there to remind
    everyone how old the computer is (9 yrs) but it is not having much effect especially as I am trying to get a
    new one!
    Happy New Year Ladytats
    Well Margaret if not much gets put up at Christmas there is less to clear up afterwards, which is good news.

  9. Angels turned out so nice. Thread wrap to attach them to the ring may be fiddly, but looks good and less fiddly than the invisible thread.
    We did not put a tree up but have a very nice manger, some nut crackers, tatted Angel tree top on shelf, and a few decorations scattered around the house. Makes it festive, enjoyable, and easy clean up. Happy New Year, Karen in OR

  10. the angels tied to the bangles are such good idea. they can go on a christmas tree when you have one or just act as standalone accessories. lovely.

  11. Love the angels! I totally understand about not feeling like decorating. Dave got carried away when he found out we were having company Christmas Eve. Although we do have 19 trees of various sizes around the house, we really do have less up than usual. Next year will be all out, because all of the grandchildren will be here. Ho! Ho! Ho!


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