More Tatting on Paper Clips and TIAS

Apart from a few more paper clip projects, which I plan to do in the future, I have exhausted my craze with tatting on them for a while.  Also I remembered why I started to begin with, it was because my youngest son loved the one Ellen (Singtatter)  gave me, and that was a first for him where tatting is concerned.  I have yet to test him on the ones I have made!

Thank you to all who gave some very helpful suggestions regarding paper clip patterns. I have yet to pursue them all, but here are the some of them.  From left to right Sharren Morgan's snail.  Jane's fish, Marie Smith's flower and Barbara Hevener's hasty heart (beads added). The fish and heart were not originally designed for paper clips, but I think they work.  

My favourite is Jane's beaver, mainly because part of my role in Scouting is giving  certificates to leaders and this is how I plan to hand them out in future.

I am also managing to keep up with Jane's TIAS, this is day 4 and 5 together.

You probably all know why I am not making any guesses to what it is going to be!


  1. These are very cute bookmarks, and a nice story about how your son liked his first one!
    How cute to use the Beaver for the scout certificates!

    Jane is just so clever - keeping us guessing all the way. I have an idea but I'm not participating yet, so I'll hold off. I'm really enjoying all the imaginative drawings that our clever tatters are coming up with!

  2. The paper clips are very cute! I think all the patterns work on the clips. Oh I have to give Jane's beaver an airing. How did I miss that one?

  3. Those are great!!! I love how you found other patterns that work too!! :)


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