The "Tail" of Three Rabbits

At the Palmetto tat days last September I joined Martha Ess's class called 'An Inverted Tatting Garden' and we were taught the picot lock join.  I really enjoyed this technique and picked it up much quicker than some of the other techniques at tat days! The rabbits you see below use the picot lock join in their ears.   I am now working on another of Martha's patterns, which I will show you next time. 

Now in order of appearance -  the grey rabbit I made last night and he has a lovely white tail, The white rabbit I made earlier on in the day and the brown rabbit was made during Martha's lesson in the USA, so he really is an American Rabbit!   As he was my very first rabbit he did not have a white tail because this pattern is tatted in one hit so I did not even think about his tail, just kept going.  Of course the white rabbit has a white tail anyway and with the grey one I just stopped and added a white fluffy tail.

These little chaps are all hopping their way onto Easter cards.   So that is what I meant about the "tail" or "tale" of three rabbits!   

But the best news is that today is the first day of Spring - just tell the weather that!


  1. Oh, SALLY, your spelling is almost as bad as mine. The word is spelt W A B B I T!!!! Those are lovely and just a fantastic design by Martha. I'm glad I've got the CD with them on.

  2. Lovely rabbits.
    I wish the weather would get the message that its supposed to be spring,

  3. They're sweet! - the grey is my favourite.

  4. At first glance I thought the ears were clunies! I don't know that technique, looks interesting. These fellows are perfect to decorate Easter cards.

  5. those are cute. very nice. I will have to look up the technique.

  6. Another new technique to learn, and well worth it for these ADORABLE bunnies!

  7. Sweet!

    No Spring in Toronto either on the first day of it.... Cold...snow....wind...?????
    Fox : (

  8. Lovely rabbits. where as the weather has every idea that it is now autumn down here, a brisk 10deg C this morning instead of 18deg C, here comes winter.

  9. Precious bunnies. I think that is the one of the coolest techniques.

  10. Wonderful tatting!

    We have a very funny poem ( for children ), it is about rabbits. Your rabbits bring in my mind this poem.


  11. Hippity, hoppity, Easter's on its way! Lovely bunnies.


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